Spread.Sheets Documentation
GC.Spread.Sheets Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
Main namespace for SpreadJS.
Represents a cell range in a sheet.
Creates a ColorScheme instance.
Defines the events supported in SpreadJS.
Represents the license key for evaluation version and production version.
Represents the line border for a border side.
Represents a custom named expression that can be used by formulas.
Represents an x- and y-coordinate pair in two-dimensional space.
Represents a range, which is described by the row index, column index, row count, and column count.
Represents a rectangle with a special location, and its width and height in two-dimensional space.
Represents the style for a cell, row, and column.
Represents a color scheme.
Represents the theme color of built-in themes.
Represents all built-in themes.
Represents a spreadsheet with the specified hosted DOM element and options setting.
Represents a worksheet.
Represents whether the component automatically resizes cells or headers.
Specifies what data is pasted from the Clipboard.
Specifies which headers are included when data is copied to or pasted.
Specifies the copy to option.
Specifies the editor status.
Specifies which default labels are displayed in headers.
Specifies the horizontal alignment.
Specifies the horizontal position of the cell or column in the component.
Defines the background image layout.
Defines the IME mode to control the state of the Input Method Editor (IME).
Identifies which operation was invalid.
Specifies the cell label position.
Specifies the cell label visibility.
Specifies the line drawing style for the border.
Defines the type of action that raised the RangeChanged event.
Specifies the formula reference style.
Specifies the drawing policy of the row or column when it is resized to zero.
Specifies how users can select items in the control.
Specifies the smallest unit users or the application can select.
Specifies the sheet area.
Defines how the resize tip is displayed.
Specifies how the scroll tip is displayed.
Specifies the type of sorting to perform.
Represents the storage data type.
Defines the type of the text decoration.
Specifies the vertical alignment.
Specifies the vertical position of the cell or row in the component.

See Also

