Spread.Sheets Documentation
register Method
GC.Spread.Commands Namespace > CommandManager class : register Method
- The name of the command.
- The object that defines the command.
- The key code.
- true if the command uses the Ctrl key; otherwise, false.
- true if the command uses the Shift key; otherwise, false.
- true if the command uses the Alt key; otherwise, false.
- true if the command uses the Command key on the Macintosh or the Windows key on Microsoft Windows; otherwise, false.
Registers a command with the command manager.
var instance = new GC.Spread.Commands.CommandManager(context);
var value; // Type: any
value = instance.register(name, command, key, ctrl, shift, alt, meta);
function register( 
   name : string,
   command : Object,
   key : undefined,
   ctrl : boolean,
   shift : boolean,
   alt : boolean,
   meta : boolean
) : any;


- The name of the command.
- The object that defines the command.
- The key code.
- true if the command uses the Ctrl key; otherwise, false.
- true if the command uses the Shift key; otherwise, false.
- true if the command uses the Alt key; otherwise, false.
- true if the command uses the Command key on the Macintosh or the Windows key on Microsoft Windows; otherwise, false.
//For example, the following code registers the changeBackColor command and then executes the command.
 var command = {
      canUndo: true,
     execute: function (context, options, isUndo) {
                 var Commands = GC.Spread.Sheets.Commands;
              if (isUndo) {
                   Commands.undoTransaction(context, options);
                   return true;
               } else {
                   Commands.startTransaction(context, options);
                   var sheet = context.getSheetFromName(options.sheetName);
                   var cell = sheet.getCell(options.row, options.col);
                   Commands.endTransaction(context, options);
                  return true;
 var spread = GC.Spread.Sheets.findControl(document.getElementById("ss"));
 var commandManager = spread.commandManager();
 commandManager.register("changeBackColor", command);
 commandManager.execute({cmd: "changeBackColor", sheetName: spread.getSheet(0).name(), row: 1, col: 2, backColor: "red"});
See Also


CommandManager class