This function calculates the error function integrated between a lower and an upper limit.
This function has these arguments:
Argument | Description |
limit | Either this is the lower limit, if the upper limit is supplied, or it is the upper limit (with 0 as the lower limit) if the second argument is not supplied |
upperlimit | [Optional] Upper limit for integrating the function |
If upperlimit is supplied, the function is integrated from limit to upperlimit. If not supplied, the function is integrated from 0 to limit.
If there upperlimit is not supplied, the function calculates:
where x is the limit argument.
If there upperlimit is supplied, the function calculates:
where lo is the limit argument and hi is the upperlimit argument.
Accepts numeric data. Returns numeric data.
ERF(0.49) gives the result 0.51166826
ERF(0.25,0.85) gives the result 0.494341544