Spread.Sheets Documentation
Spread.Sheets Documentation > Formula Reference > Formula Functions > CEILING.MATH

This function rounds up the given numeral to the nearest multiple of the specified value.


CEILING.MATH(value, signif, mode)


This function has the following arguments:

Argument Description
value Refer to the number you want to round off.
signif [Optional] Refers to the number representing the rounding factor.
mode [Optional] Represents the direction (towards or away from 0) to round negative value.

By default, significance is +1 for positive numerals and -1 for negative numerals.


Positive numbers with decimal parts are rounded up to the nearest integer.

Negative numbers with decimal parts are rounded up (toward 0) to the nearest integer.

Data Types

Accepts numeric data for all arguments. Returns numeric data.


CEILING.MATH(14.1,5) gives the result 15

CEILING.MATH(26.2) gives the result 27.

CEILING.MATH(-14.1,7) gives the result -14.