Spread.Sheets Documentation
Copying and Pasting Styles

You can copy and paste styles from Spread.Sheets to Excel. You can also copy some styles from Excel to Spread.Sheets.

Set the allowCopyPasteExcelStyle property to true to allow copying and pasting styles. For example (spread.options.allowCopyPasteExcelStyle = true;).

The following table displays the style options that are copied from Excel and pasted into Spread.Sheets.

  Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Microsoft Edge Microsoft Internet Explorer Safari on Mac Chrome on Mac
backColor Supported Supported Supported Supported
foreColor Supported Supported Supported Supported
font Supported Supported Supported Supported

top -> top

center -> center

bottom -> bottom

justify -> bottom

distributed -> bottom

top -> center

center -> center

bottom -> center

justify -> center

distributed -> center

top -> top

center -> center

bottom -> bottom

justify -> bottom

distributed -> bottom

top -> top

center -> center

bottom -> bottom

justify -> bottom

distributed -> bottom


left -> left

center -> center

right -> right

general -> general

fill -> general

justify -> general

center across selection -> general

distributed -> general

left -> left

center -> left

right -> left

general -> left

fill -> left

justify -> left

center across selection -> center

distributed -> left

left -> left

center -> center

right -> right

general -> general

fill -> general

justify -> general

center across selection -> general

distributed -> general

left -> left

center -> center

right -> right

general -> general

fill -> general

justify -> general

center across selection -> general

distributed -> general


thin -> medium

medium -> medium

dashed -> mediumDashed

dotted -> dotted

thick -> medium

double -> double

hair -> None

mediumDashed -> mediumDashed

dashDot -> None

mediumDashDot -> None

dashDotDot -> None

mediumDashDotDot -> None

slantedDashDot -> None

thin -> medium

medium -> medium

dashed -> mediumDashed

dotted -> dotted

thick -> medium

double -> double

hair -> None

mediumDashed -> mediumDashed

dashDot -> None

mediumDashDot -> None

dashDotDot -> None

mediumDashDotDot -> None

slantedDashDot -> None

thin -> medium

medium -> medium

dashed -> mediumDashed

dotted -> dotted

thick -> medium

double -> double

hair -> None

mediumDashed -> mediumDashed

dashDot -> None

mediumDashDot -> None

dashDotDot -> None

mediumDashDotDot -> None

slantedDashDot -> None

thin -> medium

medium -> medium

dashed -> mediumDashed

dotted -> dotted

thick -> medium

double -> double

hair -> None

mediumDashed -> mediumDashed

dashDot -> None

mediumDashDot -> None

dashDotDot -> None

mediumDashDotDot -> None

slantedDashDot -> None


strikethrough -> lineThrough

single -> underline

double -> underline

single accounting -> underline

double accounting -> underline

strikethrough -> lineThrough

single -> underline

double -> underline

single accounting -> underline

double accounting -> underline

strikethrough -> lineThrough

single -> underline

double -> underline

single accounting -> underline

double accounting -> underline

strikethrough -> lineThrough

single -> underline

double -> underline

single accounting -> underline

double accounting -> underline

The following table displays the style options that are copied from Spread.Sheets and pasted to Excel.

  Chrome Firefox Edge Internet Explorer Safari on Mac Chrome on Mac
backColor Supported Supported Not Supported Not Supported
foreColor Supported Supported Not Supported Supported
font Supported Supported Not Supported Supported

top -> top

center -> center

bottom -> bottom

top -> top

center -> center

bottom -> bottom

Not Supported Not Supported

left -> left

center -> center

right -> right

general -> general

left -> left

center -> center

right -> right

general -> general

Not Supported Not Supported

thin -> medium

medium -> medium

dashed -> mediumDashed

dotted -> dotted

thick -> medium

double -> double

hair -> dotted

mediumDashed -> mediumDashed

dashDot -> mediumDashed

mediumDashDot -> mediumDashed

dashDotDot -> mediumDashed

mediumDashDotDot -> mediumDashed

slantedDashDot -> mediumDashed

thin -> medium

medium -> medium

dashed -> mediumDashed

dotted -> dotted

thick -> medium

double -> double

hair -> dotted

mediumDashed -> mediumDashed

dashDot -> mediumDashed

mediumDashDot -> mediumDashed

dashDotDot -> mediumDashed

mediumDashDotDot -> mediumDashed

slantedDashDot -> mediumDashed

Not Supported Not Supported

underline -> single

lineThrough -> strikethrough

overline -> None

underline -> single

lineThrough -> strikethrough

overline -> None

Not Supported

underline -> single

lineThrough -> strikethrough

overline -> None

See Also



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