Spread.Sheets Documentation
LineStyle Enumeration
Specifies the line drawing style for the border.
dashDotIndicates a border line with dash-dot.
dashDotDotIndicates a border line with dash-dot-dot.
dashedIndicates a border line with dashes.
dottedIndicates a border line with dots.
doubleIndicates a double border line.
emptyIndicates a border line without a style.
hairIndicates a border line with all dots.
mediumIndicates a medium border line with a solid line.
mediumDashDotIndicates a medium border line with dash-dot-dot.
mediumDashDotDotIndicates a medium border line with dash-dot-dot.
mediumDashedIndicates a medium border line with dashes.
slantedDashDotIndicates a slanted border line with dash-dot.
thickIndicates a thick border line with a solid line.
thinIndicates a border line with a solid thin line.
This example creates a border.
var border = new GC.Spread.Sheets.LineBorder
border.color = "#7FFFD4";
border.style = GC.Spread.Sheets.LineStyle.double;
var cell = activeSheet.getCell(1, 1, GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea.viewport);
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


GC.Spread.Sheets Namespace



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