Spread.Sheets Documentation
GC.Spread.Sheets.Commands Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
autoFitColumn Represents the command used to automatically resize the column in a sheet.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
* options.columns {Array} The resize columns; each item is an object which has a col.
* options.rowHeader {boolean} Whether the resized columns are in the row header area.
* options.autoFitType {GC.Spread.Sheets.AutoFitType} Whether the auto-fit action includes the header text.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
autoFitRow Represents the command used to automatically resize the row in a sheet.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
* options.rows {Array} The resize rows; each item is an object which has a row.
* options.columnHeader {boolean} Whether the resized rows are in the column header area.
* options.autoFitType {GC.Spread.Sheets.AutoFitType} Whether the auto-fit action includes the header text.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
cancelInput Represents the command used to stop cell editing and cancel input.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
changeFormulaReference Represents the command used to switch the formula reference between relative, absolute, and mixed when editing formulas.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
clear Represents the command used to clear the cell value.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
clearAndEditing Represents the command used to clear the active cell value and enters edit mode.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
clearValues Represents the command used to clear cell values on a worksheet.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
* options.ranges {Array} The clear cell value ranges whose item type is GC.Spread.Sheets.Range.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
clipboardPaste Represents the command used for a Clipboard paste on the worksheet.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
* options.fromSheet {GC.Spread.Sheets.Worksheet} The source sheet.
* options.fromRanges {Array} The source range array which item type is GC.Spread.Sheets.Range.
* options.pastedRanges {Array} The target range array which item type is GC.Spread.Sheets.Range.
* options.isCutting {boolean} Whether the operation is cutting or copying.
* options.clipboardText {string} The text on the clipboard.
* options.pasteOption {GC.Spread.Sheets.ClipboardPasteOptions} The Clipboard pasting option that indicates which content to paste.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
commitArrayFormula Represents the command used to commit the cell editing and sets the array formula to the active range.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
commitInputNavigationDown Represents the command used to stop cell editing and moves the active cell to the next row.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
commitInputNavigationUp Represents the command used to stop cell editing and moves the active cell to the previous row.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
copy Represents the command used to copy the selected item text to the Clipboard.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
cut Represents the command used to cut the selected item text to the Clipboard.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
deleteFloatingObjects Represents the command for deleting the floating objects.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and a method execute that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
dragCopyFloatingObjects Represents the command used to drag and copy the floating objects on the sheet.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
* options.floatingObjects {Array} The names array of floating objects.
* options.offsetX The horizontal offset.
* options.offsetY The vertical offset.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise false.
dragDrop Represents the command used to drag a range and drop it onto another range on the worksheet.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operation, and a method execute that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
commandOptions {Object} The options of the operation.
* commandOptions.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
* commandOptions.fromRow {number} The source row index for the drag drop.
* commandOptions.fromColumn {number} The source column index for the drag drop.
* commandOptions.toRow {number} The destination row index for the drag drop.
* commandOptions.toColumn {number} The destination column index for the drag drop.
* commandOptions.rowCount {number} The row count for the drag drop.
* commandOptions.columnCount {number} The column count for the drag drop.
* commandOptions.copy {boolean} If set to true copy; otherwise, cut if false.
* commandOptions.insert {boolean} If set to true inserts the drag data in the drop row or column.
* commandOptions.option {GC.Spread.Sheets.CopyToOptions} Indicates the content type to drag and drop.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
editCell Represents the command used to apply a new value to a cell on the worksheet.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
* options.row {number} The row index of the cell.
* options.col {number} The column idnex of the cell.
* options.newValue {Object} The new value of the cell.
* options.autoFormat {boolean} Whether to format the new value automatically.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
expandColumnOutline Represents the command to expand or collapse a column range group.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
* options.index {number} The outline summary index.
* options.level {number} The outline level.
* options.collapsed {boolean} Whether to make the outline collapsed or expanded.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
expandColumnOutlineForLevel Represents the command used to expand or collapse column range groups on the same level.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
* options.level {number} The outline level.
isUndo {boolean} true if this an undo operation; otherwise, false.
expandRowOutline Represents the command to expand or collapse a row range group.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
* options.index {number} The outline summary index.
* options.level {number} The outline level.
* options.collapsed {boolean} Whether to make the outline collapsed or expanded.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
expandRowOutlineForLevel Represents the command used to expand or collapse row range groups on the same level.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
* options.level {number} The outline level.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
fill Represents the command used to drag and fill a range on the sheet.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operation, and a method execute that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
* options.startRange {GC.Spread.Sheets.Range} The start range.
* options.fillRange {GC.Spread.Sheets.Range} The fill range.
* options.autoFillType {GC.Spread.Sheets.Fill.AutoFillType} The auto fill type.
* options.fillDirection {GC.Spread.Sheets.Fill.FillDirection} The fill direction.
isUndo {boolean} true if an undo operation; otherwise, false.
moveFloatingObjects Represents the command for moving floating objects.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
* options.floatingObjects {Array} The names array of floating objects.
* options.offsetX The horizontal offset.
* options.offsetY The vertical offset.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
moveToNextCell Represents the command used to move the active cell to the next cell.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
moveToNextCellThenControl Represents the command used to select the next control if the active cell is the last visible cell; otherwise, move the active cell to the next cell.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
moveToPreviousCell Represents the command used to move the active cell to the previous cell.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
moveToPreviousCellThenControl Represents the command used to select the previous control if the active cell is the first visible cell; otherwise, move the active cell to the previous cell.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
navigationBottom Represents the command used to move the active cell to the last row.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
navigationDown Represents the command used to move the active cell to the next row.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
navigationEnd Represents the command used to move the active cell to the last column.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
navigationEnd2 Represents the command used to move the active cell to the last column without regard to frozen trailing columns.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
navigationFirst Represents the command used to move the active cell to the first cell in the sheet.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
navigationHome Represents the command used to move the active cell to the first column.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and a method execute that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
navigationHome2 Represents the command used to move the active cell to the first column without regard to frozen columns.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute metod that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
navigationLast Represents the command used to move the active cell to the last cell in the sheet.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
navigationLeft Represents the command used to move the active cell to the previous column.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
navigationNextSheet Represents the command used to move the active sheet to the next sheet.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
navigationPageDown Represents the command used to move the active cell down one page of rows.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
navigationPageUp Represents the command used to move the active cell up one page of rows.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
navigationPreviousSheet Represents the command used to move the active sheet to the previous sheet.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
navigationRight Represents the command used to move the active cell to the next column.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
navigationTop Represents the command used to move the active cell to the first row.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
navigationUp Represents the command used to move the active cell to the previous row.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
outlineColumn Represents the command for grouping a column outline (range group) on a sheet.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
* options.index {number} The outline starting index.
* options.count {number} The number of rows or columns to group or ungroup in the outline.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
outlineRow Represents the command for grouping a row outline (range group) on a sheet.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
* options.index {number} The outline starting index.
* options.count {number} The number of rows or columns to group or ungroup in the outline.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
paste Represents the command used to paste the selected items from the Clipboard to the current sheet.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
pasteFloatingObjects Represents the command for pasting the floating objects on the sheet.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and a method execute that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
redo Represents the command used to perform a redo of the most recently undone edit or action.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
removeColumnOutline Represents the command for ungrouping a column outline (range group) on a sheet.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
* options.index {number} The outline starting index.
* options.count {number} The number of rows or columns to group or ungroup in the outline.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
removeRowOutline Represents the command for ungrouping a row outline (range group) on a sheet.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
* options.index {number} The outline starting index.
* options.count {number} The number of rows or columns to group or ungroup in the outline.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
renameSheet Represents the command used to rename a worksheet.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
* options.name {string} The sheet's new name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
resizeColumn Represents the command used to resize the column on a worksheet.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
* options.columns {Array} The resize columns; each item is an object which has firstCol and lastCol.
* options.size {number} The size of the column that is being resized.
* options.rowHeader {boolean} Whether the column being resized is in the row header area.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
resizeFloatingObjects Represents the command for resizing floating objects.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
* options.floatingObjects {Array} The names array of floating objects.
* options.offsetX The offset left.
* options.offsetY The offset top.
* options.offsetWidth The offset width.
* options.offsetHeight The offset height.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
resizeRow Represents the command used to resize the row on a worksheet.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
* options.rows {Array} The resize rows; each item is an object which has firstRow and lastRow.
* options.size {number} The size of the row that is being resized.
* options.columnHeader {boolean} Whether the row being resized is in the column header area.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
selectionBottom Represents the command used to extend the selection to the last row.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
selectionDown Represents the command used to extend the selection down one row.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
selectionEnd Represents the command used to extend the selection to the last column.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
selectionFirst Represents the command used to extend the selection to the first cell.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
selectionHome Represents the command used to extend the selection to the first column.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
selectionLast Represents the command used to extend the selection to the last cell.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
selectionLeft Represents the command used to extend the selection one column to the left.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
selectionPageDown Represents the command used to extend the selection down to include one page of rows.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
selectionPageUp Represents the command used to extend the selection up to include one page of rows.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
selectionRight Represents the command used to extend the selection one column to the right.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
selectionTop Represents the command used to extend the selection to the first row.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
selectionUp Represents the command used to extend the selection up one row.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
selectNextControl Represents the command used to select the next control.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
selectPreviousControl Represents the command used to select the previous control. * The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute operation or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
undo Represents the command used to perform an undo of the most recent edit or action.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
zoom Represents the command used to zoom the sheet.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
* options.zoomFactor {number} The zoom factor.
isUndo {boolean} true if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false.
See Also





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