Spread.Sheets Documentation
Function Method
The name of the function.
The minimum number of arguments for the function.
The maximum number of arguments for the function.
The description object of the function.
* functionDescription.description {string} The description of the function.
* functionDescription.parameters {ParameterDescription[]} The parameters' description array of the function.
** ParameterDescription {object} The parameter's description object.
** ParameterDescription.name {string} The parameter name.
** ParameterDescription.repeatable {boolean} Whether the parameter is repeatable.
** ParameterDescription.optional {boolean} Whether the parameter is optional.
Represents an abstract base class for defining functions.
var value; // Type: any
value = GC.Spread.CalcEngine.Functions.Function(name, minArgs, maxArgs, functionDescription);
function Function( 
   name : string,
   minArgs : number,
   maxArgs : number,
   functionDescription : object
) : any;


The name of the function.
The minimum number of arguments for the function.
The maximum number of arguments for the function.
The description object of the function.
* functionDescription.description {string} The description of the function.
* functionDescription.parameters {ParameterDescription[]} The parameters' description array of the function.
** ParameterDescription {object} The parameter's description object.
** ParameterDescription.name {string} The parameter name.
** ParameterDescription.repeatable {boolean} Whether the parameter is repeatable.
** ParameterDescription.optional {boolean} Whether the parameter is optional.
See Also


Functions type



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