Spread Windows Forms 9.0 Product Documentation
Shortcut Objects

The spreadsheet objects in the FarPoint Spread namespace, which represent various parts of the spreadsheet, can be accessed through a built-in set of shortcut objects. Cells, rows, columns and others are wrappers to other objects, and make customization easier by allowing you to manipulate them. The shortcut objects represent parts of a visible spreadsheet, such as columns, rows, and cells; and there are conceptual representations of underlying pieces of the spreadsheet which are implemented in the underlying models. To understand more about the objects in Spread, look at the simplified object model diagrams for the FpSpread class and the SheetView class as shown here.

FpSpread Object

SheetView object diagram

The Spread Windows Forms component provides the following shortcut objects in the FpSpread class:

Shortcut Object Corresponding Classes
cell Cell Cells
column Column Columns
header ColumnHeader RowHeader
row Row Rows
alternating row AlternatingRow AlternatingRows
sheet SheetView SheetViewCollection

To use the shortcut objects, set their properties or call their methods. Many of the objects provide indexes for specifying the sheet, row, column, or cell with which you want to work.

Use the shortcut objects for their ease of use. The shortcut objects are fairly self-documenting; however, in Visual Studio .NET, the Intellisense feature provides additional information that help you use these objects.

See Also



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