Spread Windows Forms 9.0 Product Documentation
DropDownCalendarInfo Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see DropDownCalendarInfo members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyActiveHolidayStylesGets or sets active holiday styles of the drop-down calendar.  
Public PropertyAllowSelectionGets or sets the type of dates that can be selected.  
Public PropertyBackColorGets or sets the background color of the drop-down calendar.  
Public PropertyBackgroundImageGets or sets the background image displayed in the drop-down calendar.  
Public PropertyBackgroundImageLayoutGets or sets the layout of the background image of the drop-down calendar.  
Public PropertyBorderStyleGets or sets the border style of the drop-down calendar.  
Public PropertyCalendarDimensionsGets or sets the dimensions of the drop-down calendar.  
Public PropertyCalendarMarginsGets or sets the margins of the drop-down calendar.  
Public PropertyCalendarTypeGets or sets the type of the drop-down calendar.  
Public PropertyControlStyleGets or sets style of the drop-down calendar.  
Public PropertyEmptyRowsGets or sets how the calendar should be drawn when empty week rows appear.  
Public PropertyEnableScrollAnimationGets or sets whether or not the animation will be performed when scroll or zoom on the drop-down calendar.  
Public PropertyEnableTouchZoomGets or sets if Touch Zoom is enabled.  
Public PropertyFirstDayOfWeekGets or sets which weekday to display first in the drop-down calendar.  
Public PropertyFirstMonthInViewGets or sets the first month in the view in the drop-down calendar.  
Public PropertyFlatStyleGets or sets the appearance of the drop-down calendar.  
Public PropertyFocusRectangleGets or sets style of the focus rectangle.  
Public PropertyFontGets or sets the font of the drop-down calendar.  
Public PropertyHeaderFormatGets or sets the format string of the header.  
Public PropertyHeaderHeightGets or sets the height of the header.  
Public PropertyHeaderStyleGets or sets the header style.  
Public PropertyHolidayStylesGets or sets holiday styles.  
Public PropertyInnerMarginsGets or sets the inner margins of the drop-down calendar.  
Public PropertyInnerSpaceGets or sets the inner space of the drop-down calendar.  
Public PropertyItemStyleGets or sets the style of each item.  
Public PropertyLegendStyleGets or sets the style of the today legend area.  
Public PropertyLinesGets or sets the lines setting.  
Public PropertyMaxDateGets or sets the maximum limit of the date.  
Public PropertyMinDateGets or sets the minimum limit of the date.  
Public PropertyNavigateOnWheelGets or sets a value indicating whether user can navigate by mouse wheel.  
Public PropertyNavigatorOrientationGets or sets the orientation of the navigator.  
Public PropertyOverrideTipTextGets or sets the tip text shown on an overridden holiday.  
Public PropertyScrollRateGets or sets the rate of scrolling.  
Public PropertyScrollTipAlignGets or sets the scroll tip alignment.  
Public PropertySelectionStyleGets or sets the selected date style.  
Public PropertyShowHeaderGets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the header.  
Public PropertyShowNavigatorGets or sets a value that indicates how to show the navigator.  
Public PropertyShowScrollTipGets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the scroll tip.  
Public PropertyShowTodayGets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the today legend.  
Public PropertyShowTodayMarkGets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the today mark.  
Public PropertyShowTrailingGets or sets a value that indicates whether to show trailing dates.  
Public PropertyShowWeekNumberGets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the week number.  
Public PropertyShowZoomButtonGets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the zoom button on the navigate bar.  
Public PropertySingleBorderColorGets or sets the color for a single line border.  
Public PropertyTipIntervalGets or sets the interval before showing holiday tooltips when the mouse hovers over an item.  
Public PropertyTitleStyleGets or sets the style of the weekday title.  
Public PropertyTodayImageGets or sets the image that is used for today.  
Public PropertyTodayMarkColorGets or sets the border color shown for today.  
Public PropertyTrailingStyleGets or sets the trailing dates style.  
Public PropertyUseControlStyleGets or sets a value that indicates whether to use the control style.  
Public PropertyUseHeaderFormatGets or sets whether to use the HeaderFormat property to show the header text.  
Public PropertyWeekdaysGets or sets the settings of the weekdays.  
Public PropertyWeekNumberStyleGets or sets the week number style.  
Public PropertyYearMonthFormatGets or sets the header format of the year or month view.  
See Also


DropDownCalendarInfo Class
GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType Namespace



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