Spread Windows Forms 9.0 Product Documentation
RegionalSettings Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see RegionalSettings members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyAbbreviatedDayNamesGets or sets the array of abbreviated names of the days of the week.  
Public PropertyAbbreviatedMonthNamesGets or sets the array of abbreviated names of the months of the year.  
Public PropertyAMDesignatorGets or sets the string that indicates morning for 12-hour time format.  
Public PropertyCalendarGets or sets the calendar used for formatting DateTime values.  
Public PropertyCultureInfoSettingGets or sets the culture-specific information.  
Public PropertyCurrencyDecimalDigitsGets or sets the number of digits in the decimal portion of a currency value.  
Public PropertyCurrencyNegativePatternGets or sets the format for negative currency values.  
Public PropertyCurrencyPositivePatternGets or sets the format for positive currency values.  
Public PropertyCurrencySymbolGets or sets the string to use as the currency symbol in currency values.  
Public PropertyCurrentYearGets or sets the current year if the year is not specified in a date value.  
Public PropertyDateSeparatorGets or sets the string that separates the portions of a date value.  
Public PropertyDateTimeFormatGets or sets the format for displaying dates and times using a DateTimeFormatInfo object.  
Public PropertyDayNamesGets or sets the array of names of the days of the week.  
Public PropertyDecimalSeparatorGets or sets the string used to separate the integer and decimal portions of a decimal value.  
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DefaultSettingsGets or sets a copy of the default regional settings.  
Public PropertyLongDateFormatGets or sets the string to format the long (non-abbreviated) date value when the DateTimeFormat property is set to LongDate or LongDateWithTime.  
Public PropertyMonthNamesGets or sets the array of names of the days of the week.  
Public PropertyNegativeSignGets or sets the string to use as the negative sign in numeric values.  
Public PropertyNumberDecimalDigitsGets or sets the number of decimal places to display in numeric values.  
Public PropertyNumberGroupSeparatorGets or sets the character used to separate groups of digits in numeric values.  
Public PropertyNumberGroupSizeGets or sets the number of digits by which to group numeric values.  
Public PropertyNumberLeadingZeroGets or sets whether to display a leading zero in floating-point numbers.  
Public PropertyNumberNegativePatternGets or sets how to format negative values.  
Public PropertyParentRegionSettingsGets or sets the parent regional settings.  
Public PropertyPercentDecimalDigitsGets or sets the number of digits in the decimal portion of a percent value.  
Public PropertyPercentNegativePatternGets or sets the format for displaying negative percent values.  
Public PropertyPercentPositivePatternGets or sets the format for displaying positive percent values.  
Public PropertyPercentSignGets or sets the character to use as the percent symbol in numeric values.  
Public PropertyPMDesignatorGets or sets the string that indicates afternoon for 12-hour time format.  
Public PropertyPropertySetGets the property set as an array.  
Public PropertyShortDateFormatGets or sets the string to format the short (abbreviated) date value when the DateTimeFormat property is set to ShortDate or ShortDateWithTime.  
Public PropertyTimeFormatGets or sets the format used to represent time values when the DateTimeFormat property is set to TimeOnly, LongDateWithTime, or ShortDateWithTime.  
Public PropertyTimeSeparatorGets or sets the string that separates the portions of a time value.  
Public PropertyTwoDigitYearMaxGets or sets the year value used to calculate the century for two-digit year values.  
See Also


RegionalSettings Class
FarPoint.Win.SuperEdit Namespace



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