Spread Windows Forms 9.0 Product Documentation
ElementStyle Class Methods

For a list of all members of this type, see ElementStyle members.

Public Methods
Public MethodIsAlignHorzSetGets whether the horizontal alignment (AlignHorz property) is set.  
Public MethodIsAlignTextSetGets whether the text alignment (AlignText property) is set.  
Public MethodIsAlignVertSetGets whether the vertical alignment (AlignVert property) is set.  
Public MethodIsBackColorSetGets whether the background color (BackColor property) is set.  
Public MethodIsBackgroundImageSetGets whether the background image (BackgroundImage property) is set.  
Public MethodIsBorderSetGets whether the border (Border property) is set.  
Public MethodIsCanFocusSetGets whether the ability of the element to receive focus (CanFocus property) is set.  
Public MethodIsDrawFocusRectangleSetGets whether the focus rectangle (DrawFocusRectangle property) is set.  
Public MethodIsEnabledSetGets whether the element is enabled (Enabled property is set).  
Public MethodIsFontSetGets whether the font (Font property) is set.  
Public MethodIsForeColorSetGets whether the text color (ForeColor property) is set.  
Public MethodIsForegroundImageSetGets whether the foreground image (ForegroundImage property) is set.  
Public MethodIsMarginBottomSetGets whether the bottom margin (MarginBottom property) is set.  
Public MethodIsMarginLeftSetGets whether the left margin (MarginLeft property) is set.  
Public MethodIsMarginRightSetGets whether the right margin (MarginRight property) is set.  
Public MethodIsMarginTopSetGets whether the top margin (MarginTop property) is set.  
Public MethodIsPictureMarginSetGets whether the margin of the image (PictureMargin property) is set.  
Public MethodIsPictureOrientationSetGets whether the orientation of the image (PictureOrientation property) is set.  
Public MethodIsPictureSetGets whether the image (Picture property) is set.  
Public MethodIsPictureTransparencyColorSetGets whether the transparency color of the image (PictureTransparencyColor  property) is set.  
Public MethodIsSelectableSetGets whether the element is selectable (Selectable property is set).  
Public MethodIsStyleNameSetGets whether the style name (StyleName property) is set.  
Public MethodIsTextOrientationSetGets whether the orientation of the text (TextOrientation property) is set.  
Public MethodIsTextSetGets whether the text (Text property) is set.  
Public MethodIsTextWrapSetGets whether the element can wrap multiple-line text (TextWrap property is set).  
Public MethodIsVisibleSetGets whether the viewability of the element (Visible property) is set.  
See Also


ElementStyle Class
FarPoint.Win Namespace



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