Spread Windows Forms 9.0 Product Documentation
UndoManager Class Methods

For a list of all members of this type, see UndoManager members.

Public Methods
Public MethodCancelActionCancels the current action in progress.  
Public MethodGetActionPendingGets the current UndoAction pending completion.  
Public MethodPerformUndoActionPerforms the specified action (it can then be undone with Undo).  
Public MethodRedoOverloaded. Redoes the last action undone with Undo and adds it to the undo list.  
Public MethodUndoOverloaded. Undoes the last action done with PerformUndoAction and adds it to the redo list.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodPopRedoPops the top action from the redo stack.  
Protected MethodPopUndoPops the top action from the undo stack.  
Protected MethodPushRedoPushes the specified action onto the redo stack.  
Protected MethodPushUndoPushes the specified action onto the undo stack.  
See Also


UndoManager Class
FarPoint.Win.Spread.UndoRedo Namespace



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