Spread Windows Forms 9.0 Product Documentation
CellDragDropUndoAction Class Fields

For a list of all members of this type, see CellDragDropUndoAction members.

Protected Fields
Protected FieldcellInfoSpecifies the previous contents of the target range (before the drag and drop).  
Protected FieldcellInfoSourceSpecifies the previous contents of the source range (before the drag and drop), if copy is false.  
Protected FieldcolumnSpecifies the starting column index of the range to drag and drop.  
Protected FieldcolumnCountSpecifies the number of columns to drag and drop.  
Protected FieldcolumnInfoSpecifies the column-level contents of the target range (before the drag and drop).  
Protected FieldcolumnInfoSourceSpecifies the column-level contents of source range (before the drag and drop), if copy is false.  
Protected FieldcopySpecifies whether to copy the range (true to copy; false to move).  
Protected FieldrangeGroupInfosSourceThe source FarPoint.Win.Spread.RangeGroupInfo objects in drag drop range.  
Protected FieldrangeGroupInfosTargetThe target FarPoint.Win.Spread.RangeGroupInfo objects in drag drop range.  
Protected FieldrowSpecifies the starting row index of the range to drag and drop.  
Protected FieldrowCountSpecifies the number of rows to drag and drop.  
Protected FieldrowInfoSpecifies the row-level contents of the target range (before the drag and drop).  
Protected FieldrowInfoSourceSpecifies the row-level contents of source range (before the drag and drop), if copy is false.  
Protected FieldsheetViewSpecifies the sheet that contains column resizing.  
Protected FieldtargetColumnSpecifies the destination column index for the drag and drop.  
Protected FieldtargetRowSpecifies the destination row index for the drag and drop.  
See Also


CellDragDropUndoAction Class
FarPoint.Win.Spread.UndoRedo Namespace



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