Spread Windows Forms 9.0 Product Documentation
SpreadView Class Methods

For a list of all members of this type, see SpreadView members.

Public Methods
Public MethodAddViewportOverloaded. Adds a row or column of viewports.  
Public MethodCancelCellEditingCancels cell editing in the view.  
Public MethodCancelFilterBarEditingCancels cell editing in the filter bar.  
Public MethodExpandRowExpands or collapses the specified parent row, which shows or hides the child view in a hierarchical display.  
Public MethodGetActionMapGets the action map.  
Public MethodGetActiveColumnViewportIndexOverloaded. Gets the index of the active viewport column.  
Public MethodGetActiveRowViewportIndexOverloaded. Gets the index of the active viewport row.  
Public MethodGetActiveWorkbookGets the active view (SpreadView object).  
Public MethodGetCellFromPixelOverloaded. Gets the row and column indexes of the cell at the specified pointer location.  
Public MethodGetCellRectangleGets the rectangle of the cell.  
Public MethodGetChildWorkbooksGets all child views (SpreadView objects) that have been created.  
Public MethodGetColumnFooterCellRectangleGets the rectangle of the cell in the column footer.  
Public MethodGetColumnHeaderCellFromPixelOverloaded. Gets the row and column indexes of the column header cell at the specified pointer location.  
Public MethodGetColumnHeaderCellRectangleGets the rectangle of the cell in the column header.  
Public MethodGetColumnHeaderRectangleGets the rectangle of the column header.  
Public MethodGetColumnRangeGroupHeightGets the height of the column range group.  
Public MethodGetColumnSplitBarRectangleGets the rectangle of the column split bar.  
Public MethodGetColumnSplitBoxRectangleGets the rectangle of the column split box.  
Public MethodGetColumnViewportCountOverloaded. Gets the number of viewport columns in the active sheet.  
Public MethodGetColumnViewportIndexFromXGets the index of the viewport column for the specified coordinate for the active sheet.  
Public MethodGetCursorGets the pointer displayed over a specific area in the view.  
Public MethodGetFilterBarHeaderRectangleGets the rectangle of the column header.  
Public MethodGetFilterBarRectangleGets the rectangle of the filter bar.  
Public MethodGetFloatCellReturns the floating cell range for the specified cell.  
Public MethodGetFloatCellsReturns all floating cell ranges for the view.  
Public MethodGetHorizontalScrollBarRectangleGets the rectangle of the horizontal scroll bar.  
Public MethodGetImageGets the graphic image used in the specified part of the user interface.  
Public MethodGetInputMapOverloaded. Gets the input map defined for the specified focus mode for the view.  
Public MethodGetInputMapWhenChildHasFocusGets the input map for the view for when a child object has focus.  
Public MethodGetInputMapWhenShapeHasFocusGets the input map for the view for when a shape has focus.  
Public MethodGetMaximumCellOverflowWidthGets the maximum cell overflow width in pixels for cells in the view.  
Public MethodGetMergeCellReturns the merged cell range for the specified cell.  
Public MethodGetMergeCellsReturns all merged cell ranges for the view.  
Public MethodGetRootWorkbookGets the top view (SpreadView object).  
Public MethodGetRowHeaderCellFromPixelOverloaded. Gets the row and column indexes of the row header cell at the specified pointer location.  
Public MethodGetRowHeaderCellRectangleGets the rectangle of the cell in the row header.  
Public MethodGetRowHeaderRectangleGets the rectangle of the row header.  
Public MethodGetRowRangeGroupWidthGets the width of the row range group.  
Public MethodGetRowSplitBarRectangleGets the rectangle of the row split bar.  
Public MethodGetRowSplitBoxRectangleGets the rectangle of the row split box.  
Public MethodGetRowViewportCountOverloaded. Gets the number of viewport rows in the active sheet.  
Public MethodGetRowViewportIndexFromYGets the index of the viewport row for the specified coordinate for the active sheet.  
Public MethodGetSheetTabRectangleGets the rectangle of the tab associated with a sheet for the view.  
Public MethodGetSheetViewGets the active sheet view.  
Public MethodGetSpreadViewGets the view at the specified sheet and viewport.  
Public MethodGetTabSplitBoxRectangleGets the rectangle of the split box on the tab strip.  
Public MethodGetTabStripRectangleGets the rectangle of the tab strip.  
Public MethodGetVerticalScrollBarRectangleGets the rectangle of the vertical scroll bar.  
Public MethodGetViewportBottomRowOverloaded. Gets the index of the bottom row of the specified viewport row.  
Public MethodGetViewportHeightOverloaded. Gets the height of the specified viewport row for the active sheet.  
Public MethodGetViewportLeftColumnOverloaded. Gets the index of the left most column of the specified viewport column.  
Public MethodGetViewportLeftOffsetGets the offset of the view port from a particular column to the left.  
Public MethodGetViewportPreferredHeightOverloaded. Gets the maximum height for the viewport row.  
Public MethodGetViewportPreferredWidthOverloaded. Gets the maximum width for the viewport column.  
Public MethodGetViewportRectangleGets the rectangle of the viewport.  
Public MethodGetViewportRightColumnOverloaded. Gets the index of the right most column of the specified viewport column.  
Public MethodGetViewportTopOffsetGet offset of the view port from a particular row to the top.  
Public MethodGetViewportTopRowOverloaded. Gets the index of the top row of the specified viewport row.  
Public MethodGetViewportWidthOverloaded. Gets the width of the specified viewport column for the active sheet.  
Public MethodGetViewportXGets the left coordinate of the specified viewport column for the active sheet.  
Public MethodGetViewportYGets the top coordinate of the specified viewport row for the active sheet.  
Public MethodGoalSeekAttempts to find a value for one cell that will produce the desired formula result in another cell.  
Public MethodHitTestReturns information about the given location.  
Public MethodLoadXmlInputMapFileOverloaded. Loads the XML input map file using the specified operation mode.  
Public MethodLoadXmlInputMapFileWhenChildHasFocusOverloaded. Loads the XML input map file when the child has focus.  
Public MethodLoadXmlInputMapFileWhenShapeHasFocusOverloaded. Loads the XML input map file when the shape has focus.  
Public MethodRemoveViewportOverloaded. Removes a row or column of viewports.  
Public MethodResetResets the active view to its default settings.  
Public MethodSaveXmlInputMapFileOverloaded. Saves the XML input map file.  
Public MethodSaveXmlInputMapFileWhenChildHasFocusOverloaded. Saves the XML input map file when the child has focus.  
Public MethodSaveXmlInputMapFileWhenShapeHasFocusOverloaded. Saves the XML input map file when the shape has focus.  
Public MethodSetActionMapSets the action map.  
Public MethodSetActiveViewportOverloaded. Sets the active viewport.  
Public MethodSetActiveWorkbookSets the active SpreadView to the specified object. If the workbook passed in is null, sets this object to be the active SpreadView.  
Public MethodSetCursorSets the pointer displayed over a specific area at a specific time.  
Public MethodSetImageSets the specified graphic for a specified part of the user interface.  
Public MethodSetImageDPISupportSets the multiscaling versions of specified graphic for a specified part of the user interface.  
Public MethodSetInputMapOverloaded. Sets the input map for the view for the specified focus mode.  
Public MethodSetInputMapToOtherSpreadViewSets the input maps of this spreadview to another spread view.  
Public MethodSetInputMapWhenChildHasFocusSets the input map for the view for when a child object has focus.  
Public MethodSetInputMapWhenShapeHasFocusSets the input map for the view for when a shape has focus.  
Public MethodSetMaximumCellOverflowWidthSets the maximum cell overflow width in pixels for cells in the view.  
Public MethodSetViewportLeftColumnOverloaded. Sets the index of the left most column of the specified viewport column.  
Public MethodSetViewportPreferredHeightOverloaded. Sets the maximum height for the viewport row.  
Public MethodSetViewportPreferredWidthOverloaded. Sets the maximum width for the viewport column.  
Public MethodSetViewportTopRowOverloaded. Sets the index of the top row of the specified viewport row.  
Public MethodShowActiveCellMoves the currently selected cell in the specified viewport to the specified position.  
Public MethodShowAutoFillIndicatorShows the AutoFill indicator.  
Public MethodShowCellMoves the specified cell in the specified viewport to the specified position.  
Public MethodShowColumnMoves a column in the specified viewport to the specified position.  
Public MethodShowRowMoves a row in the specified viewport to the specified position.  
Public MethodStartCellEditingStarts cell editing in the view.  
Public MethodStopCellEditingStops cell editing in the view.  
Public MethodStopFilterBarEditingStops cell editing in the filter bar.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodInvalidateFilterBarOverloaded. Invalidates filter bar.  
Protected MethodInvalidateFilterBarHeaderInvalidates filter bar header.  
Protected MethodInvalidateFooterCornerInvalidates the column footer corner.  
Protected MethodStartTableResizingStart resizing the active TableView.  
Protected MethodStopFormulaCellRangeMovingStops the formula cell range from moving.  
Protected MethodStopFormulaCellRangeResizingStops the formula cell range from resizing.  
Protected MethodStopTableResizingStops resizing table.  
See Also


SpreadView Class
FarPoint.Win.Spread Namespace
FpSpread Class
SheetView Class

User-Task Documentation

Customizing Viewports
Working with Hierarchical Data Display



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