Spread Windows Forms 9.0 Product Documentation
SheetView Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see SheetView members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyActiveCellGets a Cell object for the active cell on the sheet.  
Public PropertyActiveColumnGets a Column object for the active column on the sheet.  
Public PropertyActiveColumnIndexGets or sets the column index of the active cell on the sheet.  
Public PropertyActiveRowGets a Row object for the active row on the sheet.  
Public PropertyActiveRowIndexGets or sets the row index of the active cell on the sheet.  
Public PropertyActiveSkinGets or sets the skin for the sheet.  
Public PropertyAllowGroupGets or sets whether to allow the user to group rows on the sheet.  
Public PropertyAllowNoteEditGets or sets whether notes on this sheet are editable.  
Public PropertyAllowTableCornerGets or sets whether the sheet corner can have a grid structure (table).  
Public PropertyAlternatingRowsGets an AlternatingRows object for the alternating rows in the data area of the sheet.  
Public PropertyAutoCalculationGets or sets whether the control recalculates each formula when the contents of dependent cells change for a sheet.  
Public PropertyAutoFilterGets or sets whether the filter will automatically update for any changes.  
Public PropertyAutoFilterModeGets or sets the AutoFilterMode.  
Public PropertyAutoGenerateColumnsGets or sets whether to automatically generate the columns for a sheet based on the data source.  
Public PropertyAutoSortColumnsGets or sets whether to allow automatic sorting for a sheet and whether to show the sort indicator.  
Public PropertyAutoSortFrozenRowsGets or sets a value that indicates whether frozen rows are sorted.  
Public PropertyAutoSortTrailingFrozenRowsGets or sets a value that indicates whether trailing frozen rows are sorted.  
Public PropertyAutoUpdateNotesGets or sets whether cell notes are automatically updated when changes are made to the note style or to the text, or notes are added, removed, or moved.  
Public PropertyBackgroundImageGets or sets sheetview background image.  
Public PropertyBackgroundImageLayoutGets or sets sheetview background image layout.  
Public PropertyCellsGets a Cells object for the cells in the data area of the sheet.  
Public PropertyChartsGets the charts.  
Public PropertyChildRelationCountGets the number of child relations (data relation count) for a sheet.  
Public PropertyColumnAutoSortedGets the index of the last column that was automatically sorted for the sheet.  
Public PropertyColumnCountGets or sets the number of columns in the sheet.  
Public PropertyColumnFooterGets the ColumnFooter object for the column footer area of the sheet.  
Public PropertyColumnFooterHorizontalGridLineGets or sets the horizontal grid line in the column footer for the sheet.  
Public PropertyColumnFooterRowCountGets or sets the number of rows in the column footers for the sheet.  
Public PropertyColumnFooterSheetCornerHorizontalGridLineGets or sets the horizontal grid line for the column footer sheet corner.  
Public PropertyColumnFooterSheetCornerStyleGets or sets the style information for the sheet corner for the column footer.  
Public PropertyColumnFooterSheetCornerStyleNameGets or sets the name of the style for the sheet corner of the column footer.  
Public PropertyColumnFooterSheetCornerVerticalGridLineGets or sets the vertical grid line for the column footer sheet corner.  
Public PropertyColumnFooterVerticalGridLineGets or sets the vertical grid line in the column footer for the sheet.  
Public PropertyColumnFooterVisibleGets or sets whether the column footers for this sheet are visible.  
Public PropertyColumnHeaderGets the ColumnHeader object for the column header area of the sheet.  
Public PropertyColumnHeaderAutoFilterIndexGets or sets which column header row in the sheet displays the filter indicator when there are multiple column header rows.  
Public PropertyColumnHeaderAutoSortIndexGets or sets which column header row in the sheet displays the sort indicator when there are multiple column header rows.  
Public PropertyColumnHeaderAutoTextGets or sets whether column headers for the sheet display letters or numbers or are blank.  
Public PropertyColumnHeaderAutoTextIndexGets or sets which column header row for the sheet displays the automatic text when there are multiple column header rows.  
Public PropertyColumnHeaderHorizontalGridLineGets or sets the horizontal grid line for the sheet.  
Public PropertyColumnHeaderRowCountGets or sets the number of rows in the column headers for the sheet.  
Public PropertyColumnHeaderVerticalGridLineGets or sets the vertical grid line in the column header for the sheet.  
Public PropertyColumnHeaderVisibleGets or sets whether the column headers for this sheet are visible.  
Public PropertyColumnsGets a Columns object for the columns in the data area of the sheet.  
Public PropertyContainingViewsGets the containing views.  
Public PropertyDataAllowAddNewGets or sets whether to allow the user to add a new row when the sheet is bound.  
Public PropertyDataAutoCellTypesGets or sets whether a bound sheet automatically sets the cell type for the cells in a column.  
Public PropertyDataAutoHeadingsGets or sets whether a bound sheet automatically assigns the data field names to be the text in the column headers.  
Public PropertyDataAutoSizeColumnsGets or sets whether a bound sheet automatically sizes its columns based on the data in the associated database fields.  
Public PropertyDataMemberGets or sets the name of the data member that populates the sheet.  
Public PropertyDataSourceGets or sets the name of the data source that populates the sheet.  
Public PropertyDefaultGroupFooterDefault setting for group footers.  
Public PropertyDefaultStyleGets or sets a StyleInfo object for the default style of the sheet.  
Public PropertyDefaultStyleNameGets or sets the name of the default style for the sheet.  
Public PropertyDisplayZeroGets or sets whether zero values are displayed in cells.  
Public PropertyEnableDiagonalLineGets or sets whether cell diagonal lines are enabled.  
Public PropertyEnhancedFilterSortingModeGets or sets whether the enhanced filter shows items in the tree by default or alphabetic order.  
Public PropertyExpandableGets or sets whether the rows are expandable.  
Public PropertyFilterBarGets the FilterBar object of the sheet.  
Public PropertyFilterBarHeaderHorizontalGridLineGets or sets the horizontal grid line for the filter bar header.  
Public PropertyFilterBarHeaderStyleGets or sets the style information for the filter bar header.  
Public PropertyFilterBarHeaderStyleNameGets or sets the name of the style for the filter bar header.  
Public PropertyFilterBarHeaderVerticalGridLineGets or sets the vertical grid line for the filter bar.  
Public PropertyFilterBarHorizontalGridLineGets or sets the horizontal grid line for the filter bar.  
Public PropertyFilterBarVerticalGridLineGets or sets the vertical grid line for the filter bar.  
Public PropertyFpSpreadGets Fpspread from sheet view.  
Public PropertyFrozenColumnCountGets or sets the number of non-scrolling columns on the leading edge of this sheet.  
Public PropertyFrozenRowCountGets or sets the number of non-scrolling rows on the leading edge of this sheet.  
Public PropertyFrozenTrailingColumnCountGets or sets the number of non-scrolling columns on the trailing edge of this sheet.  
Public PropertyFrozenTrailingRowCountGets or sets the number of non-scrolling rows on the trailing edge of this sheet.  
Public PropertyGrayAreaBackColorGets or sets the color in the area between the sheet and the edge of the control.  
Public PropertyGroupBarInfoGets or sets the information of the grouping bar for the sheet.  
Public PropertyGroupFooterVisibleGets or sets whether the group footer is displayed.  
Public PropertyGroupInfosGets or sets the collection of grouping information objects for the sheet.  
Public PropertyGroupingPolicyGets or sets grouping policy to collapse or expand rows when grouping occurs.  
Public PropertyGroupMaximumLevelGets or sets the maximum number of levels of grouping for the sheet.  
Public PropertyHorizontalGridLineGets or sets the horizontal grid line for this sheet.  
Public PropertyIsBlockSelectedGets whether a block of cells on this sheet is currently selected.  
Public PropertyIterationGets or sets whether circular references are evaluated on this sheet.  
Public PropertyLockBackColorGets or sets the background color of locked cells on this sheet.  
Public PropertyLockFontGets or sets the default font for locked items on this sheet.  
Public PropertyLockForeColorGets or sets the foreground color of locked cells on this sheet.  
Public PropertyMaximumChangeGets or sets the maximum amount of change below which iterations stop when circular references are evaluated on this sheet.  
Public PropertyMaximumIterationsGets or sets the maximum number of iterations for calculating circular references on this sheet.  
Public PropertyMinZoomFactorGets or sets a value that indicates the minimum zoom factor for this sheet.  
Public PropertyModelsGets or sets a SheetView.DocumentModels object that contains all the models for the sheet.  
Public PropertyNamedStylesGets or sets a NamedStyleCollection of NamedStyle objects for this sheet.  
Public PropertyNonEmptyColumnCountGets a value that is one more than the index of the last column on this sheet containing data.  
Public PropertyNonEmptyRowCountGets a value that is one more than the index of the last row on this sheet containing data.  
Public PropertyNullBackColorGets or sets the background color of null items on this sheet.  
Public PropertyNullFontGets or sets the default font for null items on this sheet.  
Public PropertyNullForeColorGets or sets the foreground color of null items on this sheet.  
Public PropertyOperationModeGets or sets the mode that determines mouse, keyboard, and selection behavior for this sheet.  
Public PropertyParentGets or sets the name of the parent sheet (SheetView object) of this sheet.  
Public PropertyParentRelationNameGets the data relation name for this sheet.  
Public PropertyParentRowIndexGets the index of the parent row on this sheet.  
Public PropertyPreviewRowInfoGets or sets preview row information for the sheet.  
Public PropertyPrintInfoGets or sets a PrintInfo object that determines printing behavior for the sheet.  
Public PropertyProtectGets or sets whether cells on this sheet that are marked as locked are not editable.  
Public PropertyRangeGroupBackgroundColorGets or sets the background color of the outline (range group) region.  
Public PropertyRangeGroupButtonStyleGets or sets the style of the outline (range group) button.  
Public PropertyRangeGroupSummaryColumnRightGets or sets whether the direction of the summary column is to the right of the detail.  
Public PropertyRangeGroupSummaryRowBelowGets or sets whether the direction of the summary row is below the detail.  
Public PropertyReferenceStyleGets or sets the style for cell and range references in formulas in cells on this sheet.  
Public PropertyRestrictColumnsGets or sets whether users are restricted from typing data in a column on this sheet that is more than one column beyond the last column that contains data.  
Public PropertyRestrictRowsGets or sets whether users are restricted from typing data in a row on this sheet that is more than one row beyond the last row that contains data.  
Public PropertyRowCountGets or sets the number of rows on this sheet.  
Public PropertyRowFilterGets or sets the row filter for the sheet.  
Public PropertyRowHeaderGets the RowHeader object for the row header area of the sheet.  
Public PropertyRowHeaderAutoTextGets or sets whether row headers on this sheet display letters or numbers or are blank.  
Public PropertyRowHeaderAutoTextIndexGets or sets which row header column on this sheet displays the automatic text when there are multiple row header columns.  
Public PropertyRowHeaderColumnCountGets or sets the number of columns in the row header on this sheet.  
Public PropertyRowHeaderHorizontalGridLineGets or sets the horizontal grid line in the row header on this sheet.  
Public PropertyRowHeaderSelectorIndexGets or sets which row header column in the sheet displays the row selector when there are multiple row header columns.  
Public PropertyRowHeaderVerticalGridLineGets or sets the vertical grid line in the row header on this sheet.  
Public PropertyRowHeaderVisibleGets or sets whether the row headers for this sheet are visible.  
Public PropertyRowsGets a Rows object for the rows in the data area of the sheet.  
Public PropertyScrollingContentInfoGets or sets the information of the vertical scrolling tip for the sheet.  
Public PropertySelectionBackColorGets or sets the background color of selections on this sheet.  
Public PropertySelectionCountGets the number of selections on this sheet.  
Public PropertySelectionFontGets or sets the default font for selected items on this sheet.  
Public PropertySelectionForeColorGets or sets the foreground color of selections on this sheet.  
Public PropertySelectionPolicyGets the selection policy for the sheet for normal operation mode.  
Public PropertySelectionStyleGets or sets how selections on this sheet are drawn.  
Public PropertySelectionUnitGets or sets the smallest unit users or the application can select on this sheet.  
Public PropertySerializeModelsGets or sets whether the DocumentModels for this sheet should be serialized to the form resources, rather than generating code that initializes the Cells, Columns, Rows, and AlternatingRows.  
Public PropertySheetCornerGets the sheet corner of the sheet.  
Public PropertySheetCornerHorizontalGridLineGets or sets the horizontal grid line for the sheet corner.  
Public PropertySheetCornerStyleGets or sets the style information for the sheet corner.  
Public PropertySheetCornerStyleNameGets or sets the name of the style for the sheet corner.  
Public PropertySheetCornerVerticalGridLineGets or sets the vertical grid line for the sheet corner.  
Public PropertySheetNameGets or sets the name of the sheet.  
Public PropertyShowEditingRowSelectorGets or sets a value that indicates whether to display a row selector in the editing row header of the selected row for the sheet.  
Public PropertyShowRowSelectorGets or sets a value that indicates whether to display a row selector in the row header of the selected row for the sheet.  
Public PropertySparklineContainerGets or sets a sparkline container for the sheet for maintaining sparklines.  
Public PropertyStartingColumnNumberGets or sets the number or letter displayed in the first column header on this sheet.  
Public PropertyStartingRowNumberGets or sets the number or letter displayed in the first row header on this sheet.  
Public PropertyTagGets or sets an application-defined tag value associated with the cells in this sheet.  
Public PropertyTitleInfoSheet title  
Public PropertyVerticalGridLineGets or sets the vertical grid line on this sheet.  
Public PropertyVisibleGets or sets whether to display the sheet.  
Public PropertyVisualStylesGets or sets whether to use visual styles when rendering objects in the sheet.  
Public PropertyZoomFactorGets or sets the scaling factor for displaying this sheet.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyCanRaiseEvents (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component)
Protected PropertyIgnoreApplySpreadSkinGets or sets a value that indicates whether to ignore applying Spread skin.  
Protected PropertyIsInitializingGets a value that indicates whether SheetView is initialized.  
See Also


SheetView Class
FarPoint.Win.Spread Namespace

User-Task Documentation

Adding a Sheet
Customizing the Appearance of a Sheet
Customizing Interaction with a Sheet



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