Spread Windows Forms 9.0 Product Documentation
MultiColumnComboBoxCellType Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see MultiColumnComboBoxCellType members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyAcceptsArrowKeysGets or sets how arrow keys are processed by the edit control.  
Public PropertyAllowArrowKeysMoveActiveCellGets or sets whether to allow arrow keys to move the active cell.  
Public PropertyAllowEditorVerticalAlignGets or sets whether to allow editor vertical align.  
Public PropertyAutoSearchGets or sets how the list is searched based on input of a character key.  
Public PropertyBackgroundImageGets or sets the background image of the multiple-column combo box.  
Public PropertyButtonAlignGets or sets where the buttons are displayed in the cell.  
Public PropertyColumnEditGets or sets which list column (by index) serves as the edit portion of the combo box.  
Public PropertyColumnEditNameGets or sets which list column (by name) serves as the edit portion of the combo box.  
Public PropertyDataColumnGets or sets which list column (by index) serves as the data portion of the combo box.  
Public PropertyDataColumnNameGets or sets which list column (by name) serves as the data portion of the combo box.  
Public PropertyDataMemberListGets or sets the name of the data member that populates the list in the list portion of the combo box.  
Public PropertyDataSourceListGets or sets the data source for the list portion of the combo box.  
Public PropertyEditableGets or sets whether you can type into the edit portion of the multi-column combo box.  
Public PropertyListAlignmentGets or sets to which side of the editor the list aligns.  
Public PropertyListBorderStyleGets or sets the type of border style for the drop-down list.  
Public PropertyListOffsetGets or sets how much the list offsets from the editor.  
Public PropertyListResizeColumnsGets or sets how the columns in the drop-down list are sized when displayed.  
Public PropertyListWidthGets or sets the width of the list.  
Public PropertyMaxDropGets or sets the maximum number of items to display at one time in the list.  
Public PropertyShowColumnHeadersGets or sets whether column headers are displayed in the drop-down list.  
Public PropertyShowGridLinesGets or sets whether grid lines are displayed in the drop-down list.  
Public PropertyStringTrimGets or sets how to trim characters that do not fit in the cell.  
Public PropertySubEditorGets or sets the subeditor. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Spread.CellType.BaseCellType)
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyExtraRendererSettingsGets the conditional formatting settings. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Spread.CellType.BaseCellType)
See Also


MultiColumnComboBoxCellType Class
FarPoint.Win.Spread.CellType Namespace

User-Task Documentation

Setting a Multiple-Column Combo Box Cell
Working with Graphical Cell Types
Setting a Combo Box Cell



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