Spread for ASP.NET 9.0 Product Documentation
SheetView Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see SheetView members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyActiveChartGets or sets the active chart.  
Public PropertyActiveColumnGets or sets the active column.  
Public PropertyActiveRowGets or sets the active row.  
Public PropertyActiveSkinGets or sets the current active skin.  
Public PropertyAllowColumnMoveGets or sets whether to allow the user to move columns.  
Public PropertyAllowDeleteGets or sets whether a user can delete a row in the sheet.  
Public PropertyAllowGroupGets or sets whether a user can group rows.  
Public PropertyAllowInsertGets or sets whether a user can insert a row in the sheet.  
Public PropertyAllowLoadOnDemandGets or sets whether to allow incremental loads to the client on demand when the user is scrolling.  
Public PropertyAllowPageGets or sets whether the sheet displays the number of pages and the arrows for navigating to other pages in the sheet.  
Public PropertyAllowSortGets or sets whether users can sort rows in the sheet.  
Public PropertyAllowTableCornerGets or sets whether to allow the sheet corner to be a structure table.  
Public PropertyAllowUserFormulasGets or sets whether to allow the user to enter formulas in a cell in the control.  
Public PropertyAllowVirtualScrollPagingGets or sets whether to allow virtual paging to load data when the user is scrolling.  
Public PropertyAlternatingRowsGets the alternating rows in the specified portion of the sheet.  
Public PropertyAutoCalculationGets or sets whether the control automatically recalculates each formula in the sheet when the contents of dependent cells change.  
Public PropertyAutoFilterModeGets or sets the AutoFilterMode which indicates which filtering UI is used.  
Public PropertyAutoGenerateColumnsGets or sets whether to generate the columns automatically based on the data source.  
Public PropertyAutoPostBackGets or sets whether a postback to the server automatically occurs when the user interacts with the sheet.  
Public PropertyBackColorGets or sets the background color of the sheet.  
Public PropertyCellsGets the cells in the data area of the sheet.  
Public PropertyCellSpacingGets or sets the cell spacing to use in the displayed HTML page.  
Public PropertyChartsGets the charts.  
Public PropertyChildRelationCountGets the number of child views in a hierarchical display for this sheet.  
Public PropertyClickHeaderCellToExpandWhen this property is true and client script is enabled, the spread will expand the row in a hierarchical view when the row header cell is clicked; otherwise, the spread will expand the row only when the expand image is clicked.  
Public PropertyColumnAxisModelGets or sets the column information for the sheet.  
Public PropertyColumnCountGets or sets the number of columns in the sheet.  
Public PropertyColumnFooterGets the column footers for the sheet.  
Public PropertyColumnFooterDataModelGets or sets the data for the column footer.  
Public PropertyColumnFooterHeightGets or sets the column footer height.  
Public PropertyColumnFooterRowAxisModelGets or sets the row information for the column footer.  
Public PropertyColumnFooterSpanModelGets or sets the spanned cells for the column footer.  
Public PropertyColumnFooterStyleModelGets or sets the cell types and other style settings for cells in the column footer.  
Public PropertyColumnFooterVisibleGets or sets whether the column footers are visible.  
Public PropertyColumnHeaderGets the column headers for the sheet.  
Public PropertyColumnHeaderAutoFilterIndexGets or sets which column header row displays the filtering indicator when there are multiple column header rows.  
Public PropertyColumnHeaderAutoTextGets or sets whether column headers display letters or numbers or are blank.  
Public PropertyColumnHeaderAutoTextIndexGets or sets which column header row displays the automatic text when there are multiple column header rows.  
Public PropertyColumnHeaderDataModelGets or sets the data for the column header.  
Public PropertyColumnHeaderHeightGets or sets the column header height.  
Public PropertyColumnHeaderRowAxisModelGets or sets the row information for the column header.  
Public PropertyColumnHeaderSpanModelGets or sets the spanned cells for the column header.  
Public PropertyColumnHeaderStyleModelGets or sets the cell types and other style settings for cells in the column header.  
Public PropertyColumnHeaderVisibleGets or sets whether the column headers are visible.  
Public PropertyColumnsGets the columns in the data area of the sheet.  
Public PropertyConditionalFormattingGets or sets the conditional formatting model.  
Public PropertyContextMenuStyleGets or sets the context menu style.  
Public PropertyCurrentPageIndexGets or sets the current page.  
Public PropertyDataAutoCellTypesGets or sets whether a bound sheet automatically sets the cell type for the cells in a column.  
Public PropertyDataKeyFieldGets or sets the data key for this sheet.  
Public PropertyDataKeyNamesGets or sets an array of strings that contains the names of the key fields for the data source for this sheet.  
Public PropertyDataMemberGets or sets the data member for this sheet.  
Public PropertyDataModelGets or sets the data for the sheet.  
Public PropertyDataSourceGets or sets the data source for this sheet.  
Public PropertyDataSourceIDGets or sets the unique identifier of the data source for this sheet.  
Public PropertyDefaultColumnWidthGets or sets the default column width in pixels for all columns in the sheet.  
Public PropertyDefaultRowHeightGets or sets the default row height in pixels for all rows in the sheet.  
Public PropertyDefaultStyleGets or sets the default style information for the cells in this sheet.  
Public PropertyDefaultStyleNameGets or sets the name of the default style for the cells in this sheet.  
Public PropertyDeleteMethodGets or sets the name of the method to call in order to delete data.  
Public PropertyEditRowGets or sets the row with the cell that is being edited.  
Public PropertyEditTemplateColumnCountThe number of columns in the editing form.  
Public PropertyEnableRowEditTemplateGets or sets whether to enable the row edit template.  
Public PropertyExpandableGets or sets whether the rows are expandable.  
Public PropertyFilterBarGets or sets FilterBarInfo for filterBar  
Public PropertyFpSpreadGets the active FpSpread from the SheetView.  
Public PropertyFrozenColumnCountGets or sets the number of frozen (non-scrollable) columns for this sheet.  
Public PropertyFrozenRowCountGets or sets the number of frozen (non-scrollable) rows for this sheet.  
Public PropertyGrayAreaCursorImageUrlGets or sets which ImageUrl of the cursor is displayed when the mouse is on the gray area of the sheet.  
Public PropertyGrayAreaCursorTypeGets or sets which type of cursor is displayed when the mouse is on the gray area of the sheet.  
Public PropertyGridLineColorGets or sets the color of the grid lines in the sheet.  
Public PropertyGridLinesGets or sets whether to display grid lines in the sheet.  
Public PropertyGroupBarBackColorGets or sets the grouping bar background color.  
Public PropertyGroupBarHeightGets or sets the grouping bar height.  
Public PropertyGroupBarTextGets or sets the group bar text.  
Public PropertyGroupBarVisibleGets or sets whether the grouping bar is visible.  
Public PropertyGroupFooterInfosGets or sets the collection of group footer information objects.  
Public PropertyGroupFooterVisibleGets or sets whether the footer of the grouping bar is visible.  
Public PropertyGroupInfosGets or sets the collection of group information objects.  
Public PropertyGroupingPolicyGets or sets grouping policy to collapse or expand rows when grouping occurs.  
Public PropertyGroupMaximumLevelGets or sets the maximum grouping level.  
Public PropertyHeaderGrayAreaBackgroundImageUrlGets or sets the background image of the header area that does not contain column header or row header cells.  
Public PropertyHeaderGrayAreaColorGets or sets the color of the header area that does not contain column header or row header cells.  
Public PropertyIgnoreHiddenRowsWhenPagingGets or sets if the hidden rows are ignored when paging.  
Public PropertyInsertMethodGets or sets the name of the method to call in order to insert data.  
Public PropertyIsTrackingViewStateGets or sets whether the control tracks the current sheet view state.  
Public PropertyItemTypeGets or sets the name of the data item type in model binding.  
Public PropertyIterationGets or sets whether circular references in the sheet are evaluated.  
Public PropertyLayoutModeGets or sets the type of layout mode.  
Public PropertyLoadInitRowCountGets or sets the number of rows to load initially to the client.  
Public PropertyLoadOffsetFromBottomGets or sets the row index (from bottom to top) in the view from where spread loads the next set of rows after scrolling to this position.  
Public PropertyLoadOnDemandIntervalGets or sets a period of time (in milliseconds) when spread loads the next set of rows.  
Public PropertyLoadOnDemandModeGets or sets the LoadOnDemandMode property. In Standard mode, spread loads the next set of rows, if after scrolling, there are no bottom rows (in the view) that are hidden. In Background mode, spread loads the next set of rows after a period of time or after the user scrolls to the row at the LoadOffsetFromBottom position.  
Public PropertyLoadOnDemandTriggerModeGets or sets the LoadOnDemandTriggerMode property. If trigger mode is Timed, spread loads the next set of rows after a period of time until there are no rows to load. If trigger mode is OffsetBased, spread only loads the next set of rows if the user scrolls to the row at the LoadOffsetFromBottom position.  
Public PropertyLoadRowIncrementGets or sets the number of rows to include in incremental loads on demand.  
Public PropertyLockBackColorGets or sets the background color of locked cells on this sheet.  
Public PropertyLockForeColorGets or sets the foreground color of locked cells on this sheet.  
Public PropertyMaximumChangeGets or sets the maximum amount of change below which iterations stop when circular references are evaluated for the sheet.  
Public PropertyMaximumIterationsGets or sets the formula recalculation iteration count for the sheet.  
Public PropertyMessageRowStyleGets or sets the style for the message row.  
Public PropertyNamedStylesGets or sets a collection of styles.  
Public PropertyNonEmptyColumnCountGets a value that is one more than the index of the last column on this sheet that contains data.  
Public PropertyNonEmptyRowCountGets a value that is one more than the index of the last row on this sheet that contains data.  
Public PropertyOperationModeGets or sets the operation mode of the sheet.  
Public PropertyPageMaxAlignGets or sets whether to show the maximum number of rows on the last page.  
Public PropertyPageSizeGets or sets the number of rows to display at a time.  
Public PropertyParentGets the reference to the parent sheet (SheetView object).  
Public PropertyParentRowIndexGets the index of the parent row in a hierarchical display.  
Public PropertyPreviewRowColumnIndexGets or sets the index of the preview row column.  
Public PropertyPreviewRowStyleGets or sets the style information for the preview row.  
Public PropertyPreviewRowTemplateGets or sets the preview row template.  
Public PropertyPreviewRowVisibleGets or sets whether to display the preview row.  
Public PropertyPrintInfoGets or sets a PrintInfo object that determines printing behavior for the sheet.  
Public PropertyProtectGets or sets whether users can edit cells marked as locked.  
Public PropertyReferenceStyleGets or sets the cell reference style.  
Public PropertyRelationNameGets the name of the data relation in a hierarchical display.  
Public PropertyRenderEditorsGets or sets whether the FarPoint Spread always displays the editor if the editor is defined for a cell.  
Public PropertyRowAxisModelGets or sets the row information for the sheet.  
Public PropertyRowCountGets or sets the number of rows in the sheet.  
Public PropertyRowEditTemplateGets or sets the row edit template.  
Public PropertyRowFilterGets or sets the row filter for the sheet.  
Public PropertyRowHeaderGets the row headers for the sheet.  
Public PropertyRowHeaderAutoTextGets or sets whether row headers display letters or numbers or are blank.  
Public PropertyRowHeaderAutoTextIndexGets or sets which row header column displays the automatic text when there are multiple row header columns.  
Public PropertyRowHeaderColumnAxisModelGets or sets the column information for the row header.  
Public PropertyRowHeaderDataModelGets or sets the data for the row header.  
Public PropertyRowHeaderSpanModelGets or sets the spanned cells for the row header.  
Public PropertyRowHeaderStyleModelGets or sets the cell types and other style settings for cells in the row header.  
Public PropertyRowHeaderVisibleGets or sets whether the row headers are visible.  
Public PropertyRowHeaderWidthGets or sets the row header column width.  
Public PropertyRowsGets the rows in the data area of the sheet.  
Public PropertyScrollingContentColumnsGets or sets the scrolling content tip columns.  
Public PropertyScrollingContentHiddenDelayGets or sets the hidden delay of the scrolling content tip in milliseconds.  
Public PropertyScrollingContentMaxHeightGets or sets the maximum height in pixels for the scrolling content tip.  
Public PropertyScrollingContentVisibleGets or sets a value that indicates whether to display the scrolling content tip.  
Public PropertySelectionBackColorGets or sets the background color for selected cells.  
Public PropertySelectionBackColorStyleGets or sets the backcolor style for the display of selected cells.  
Public PropertySelectionBorderGets or sets the settings for the selection border.  
Public PropertySelectionForeColorGets or sets the text color for selected cells.  
Public PropertySelectionModelGets or sets the selections for the sheet.  
Public PropertySelectionPolicyGets or sets the selection policy.  
Public PropertySelectMethodGets or sets the name of the method to call in order to read data.  
Public PropertySheetCornerGets the sheet corner for the sheet.  
Public PropertySheetCornerColumnAxisModelGets or sets the column information for the sheet corner.  
Public PropertySheetCornerDataModelGets or sets the data for the sheet corner.  
Public PropertySheetCornerRowAxisModelGets or sets the row information for the sheet corner.  
Public PropertySheetCornerSpanModelGets or sets the spanned cells for the sheet corner.  
Public PropertySheetCornerStyleGets or sets the style information for the sheet corner.  
Public PropertySheetCornerStyleModelGets or sets the cell types and other style settings for cells in the sheet corner.  
Public PropertySheetCornerStyleNameGets or sets the name of the style for the sheet corner.  
Public PropertySheetNameGets or sets the name of the sheet.  
Public PropertyShowFrozenIndicatorGets or sets whether the frozen indicator should be displayed.  
Public PropertySortedColumnGets the model index of the column last sorted.  
Public PropertySpanModelGets or sets the spanned cells for the sheet.  
Public PropertySparklineContainerGets or sets the sparkline container.  
Public PropertyStartingColumnNumberGets or sets the number displayed in the first column header.  
Public PropertyStartingRowNumberGets or sets the number displayed in the first row header.  
Public PropertyStartPageGets or sets the number of the first page to display in the page navigation aids.  
Public PropertyStyleModelGets or sets the cell types and other style settings for the sheet.  
Public PropertyTitleInfoGets the title information of the sheet.  
Public PropertyTopRowGets or sets the row to display as the top row in the sheet.  
Public PropertyUpdateMethodGets or sets the name of the method to call in order to update data.  
Public PropertyVirtualScrollPagingFormatStringGets or sets the custom format string to show in the text tip during virtual scroll paging. Default pattern is "Page {page} of {count}", where {page} will be replaced for page index and {count} will be replaced for page count.  
Public PropertyVirtualScrollPagingPrevRowCountIndicates the number of additional rows that are displayed from previous pages before the top of the current page. The default value is zero. This setting only has an effect when AllowVirtualScrollPaging is true.  
Public PropertyVisibleGets or sets whether to display the sheet.  
Public PropertyWorksheetTemplateGets the worksheet template.  
See Also


SheetView Class
FarPoint.Web.Spread Namespace
FpSheetViewCollection class
Sheets Property
SheetViewCollection Class

User-Task Documentation

Customizing the Appearance of a Sheet



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