Spread for ASP.NET 9.0 Product Documentation
SheetView Class Methods

For a list of all members of this type, see SheetView members.

Public Methods
Public MethodAddChartOverloaded. Adds the chart control.  
Public MethodAddColumnsAdds columns to the data model at the specified index.  
Public MethodAddRowsAdds rows to the data model.  
Public MethodAddRowToDataSourceAdds the unbound row to the data source.  
Public MethodAddSpanCellAdds a span of cells to a sheet.  
Public MethodAddSparklineOverloaded. Adds the sparkline.  
Public MethodAddSquareSparklineAdds the sparkline.  
Public MethodAddUnboundRowsAdds unbound rows to the data model.  
Public MethodAutoFilterColumnAutomatically filters the rows in the specified column according to the specified filter.  
Public MethodAutoFilterResetResets the filters on the rows in the specified column.  
Public MethodClearConditionalFormatingOverloaded. Removes all of the conditional formatting from the cell at the specified row and column.  
Public MethodClearConditionalFormatingsRemoves all of the conditional formatting from the sheet.  
Public MethodClearRangeRemoves all of the data, formatting, formulas, and notes from a range of cells on this sheet.  
Public MethodClearRowFilterClears the row filter for this sheet.  
Public MethodClearSparklineGroupsInRangeClears all sparkline groups.  
Public MethodClearSparklinesClears all sparklines.  
Public MethodExpandAllExpands or collapses all the levels of hierarchy  
Public MethodExpandRowExpands or collapses the specified row in the hierarchical display.  
Public MethodFindChildViewGets the child view in a hierarchical display with the specified row and data relation index.  
Public MethodGetCellFromTagGets a cell with a specific tag on the sheet.  
Public MethodGetCellTypeGets the cell type for a cell at the specified row and column.  
Public MethodGetChildRelationGets the name of the child data relation in a hierarchical display at the specified index.  
Public MethodGetChildViewGets a child sheet in a hierarchical display for the specified row and the specified relation index.  
Public MethodGetChildVisibleGets whether the child view is displayed in a hierarchical display.  
Public MethodGetClipOverloaded. Gets a tab-delimited string that contains the formatted text in a specified range.  
Public MethodGetClipValueGets a tab-delimited string that contains the unformatted text in a specified range.  
Public MethodGetColumnAllowFilterGets whether this column contains a column filter definition.  
Public MethodGetColumnAutoTextGets the automatic text displayed in the specified column header.  
Public MethodGetColumnFromTagGets a column on this sheet with a specific tag.  
Public MethodGetColumnLabelGets the text in the column header cell at the specified row and column.  
Public MethodGetColumnMergeGets whether or how cells in a column on this sheet that have the same content are joined in a single cell across multiple rows.  
Public MethodGetColumnSizeableGets whether the user can resize a specified column.  
Public MethodGetColumnSortIndicatorGets the sort indicator to display at the specified column.  
Public MethodGetColumnVisibleGets whether a column is displayed.  
Public MethodGetColumnWidthGets the width of the specified column in pixels.  
Public MethodGetConditionalFormattingOverloaded. Gets all the conditional formatting in the specified cell range.  
Public MethodGetCustomNameOverloaded. Gets the string value for a custom name on this sheet from the model.  
Public MethodGetDataKeyGets the identifier for the specified row if it is visible.  
Public MethodGetDefaultEditorGets the default editor used to edit the cell.  
Public MethodGetDefaultRendererGets the default renderer used to render the cell.  
Public MethodGetDropDownFilterItemsGets the filter items to be displayed in the drop-down list for the specified column.  
Public MethodGetEditorGets the editor used to edit a cell at the specified row and column.  
Public MethodGetExpressionGets the formula of the specified cell on this sheet.  
Public MethodGetFormatterGets the formatter used to format a cell at the specified row and column.  
Public MethodGetFormulaGets the formula in the cell at the specified row and column.  
Public MethodGetGroupFooterInfoGets the group footer information for the sheet.  
Public MethodGetGroupInfoGets the group information for the sheet.  
Public MethodGetModelColumnFromViewColumnGets the index in the model for the specified column.  
Public MethodGetModelRowFromViewRowGets a row index in a model for a specified row in a sheet.  
Public MethodGetNoteGets the cell note for a cell at the specified row and column.  
Public MethodGetRendererGets the renderer used to render a cell at the specified row and column.  
Public MethodGetRowAutoTextGets the automatic text displayed in the specified row header.  
Public MethodGetRowExpandableGets whether the row on this sheet is expandable in the hierarchical display.  
Public MethodGetRowFromTagGets a row on this sheet with a specific tag.  
Public MethodGetRowHeightGets the height of the specified row.  
Public MethodGetRowLabelGets the text in the specified row header cell.  
Public MethodGetRowMergeGets whether or how cells in a row on this sheet that have the same content are joined into a single cell across multiple columns.  
Public MethodGetRowSizeableGets whether the user can resize the specified row.  
Public MethodGetRowVisibleGets whether a row is displayed.  
Public MethodGetSelectionsGets an ordered array of FarPoint.Web.Spread.Model.CellRange objects, from largest to smallest, containing the selected cells on the sheet with minimal overlap between the ranges.  
Public MethodGetSpanCellGets the span of cells at a specified cell.  
Public MethodGetSparklineGets the sparkline information.  
Public MethodGetStyleInfoGets the composite cell style information for a cell at the specified row and column.  
Public MethodGetTagGets the application-defined tag value for the specified cell, column, row, or entire sheet.  
Public MethodGetTextGets the formatted text in the cell using the IFormatter object for the cell.  
Public MethodGetUnboundValueGets the unbound value for a cell at the specified row and column.  
Public MethodGetValidConditionalFormatGets the valid conditional format.  
Public MethodGetValueGets unformatted data from a cell at the specified row and column.  
Public MethodGetViewColumnFromModelColumnGets the sheet column index for a specified model column.  
Public MethodGetViewRowFromModelRowGets a sheet row index for the specified model row.  
Public MethodGroupSparklineOverloaded. Groups the sparkline and sets the type of the new group.  
Public MethodIsColumnBoundGets whether the column is bound to a data source column.  
Public MethodIsRowBoundGets whether the specified row is bound to a data source.  
Public MethodIsRowExpandedGets whether the row is expanded in the hierarchical display.  
Public MethodLoadFormulasLoads formulas that are deserialized, but not parsed yet, to be used after all sheets have been created and deserialized.  
Public MethodLoadTextFileOverloaded. Loads a text file with the specified name into the sheet.  
Public MethodLoadViewStateLoads a saved view state for a sheet.  
Public MethodMoveColumnMoves the column or columns to a specified location.  
Public MethodOpenOverloaded. Opens a sheet saved as XML from the specified file and loads it into the sheet.  
Public MethodOpenExcelOverloaded. Opens an Excel file and loads the specified Excel sheet into this sheet.  
Public MethodRecalculateEvaluates all the formulas in the sheet that have changed since the last calculation cycle.  
Public MethodRecalculateAllEvaluates all the formulas in the sheet (including those that have not changed since the last calculation cycle).  
Public MethodRemoveColumnsRemoves the columns at the specified index.  
Public MethodRemoveRowsRemoves the rows at the specified index.  
Public MethodRemoveSpanCellRemoves the span from a range of cells that contain a specified anchor cell.  
Public MethodResetSets the sheet to its default values.  
Public MethodResetViewColumnIndexesResets all column indexes in the sheet to be the same as the column indexes in the corresponding data model.  
Public MethodResetViewRowIndexesResets all row indexes in the sheet to be the same as the row indexes in the corresponding data model.  
Public MethodSaveOverloaded. Saves the contents of the sheet to XML in the specified file.  
Public MethodSaveHtmlOverloaded. Saves the sheet as HTML content to the stream  
Public MethodSaveTextFileOverloaded. Saves the sheet to a text file with the specified name.  
Public MethodSaveTextFileRangeOverloaded. Saves the range in the sheet (and may include headers and footer) as delimited text to a stream as specified.  
Public MethodSaveViewStateSaves the current view state of the sheet.  
Public MethodSetChildVisibleSets whether to display the child view in a hierarchical display.  
Public MethodSetClipSets a tab-delimited string that contains the formatted text in a specified range.  
Public MethodSetClipValueSets a tab-delimited string that contains the unformatted text in a specified range.  
Public MethodSetColumnLabelSets the value for a specified cell in a column header.  
Public MethodSetColumnMergeSets whether or how cells in a column on this sheet that have the same content are joined in a single cell across multiple rows.  
Public MethodSetColumnSizeableSets whether users can resize individual columns.  
Public MethodSetColumnSortIndicatorSets the sort indicator to display at the specified column.  
Public MethodSetColumnVisibleSets whether a column is displayed.  
Public MethodSetColumnWidthSets the width of the specified column in pixels.  
Public MethodSetConditionalFormattingOverloaded. Sets conditional formatting for a specified cell on the sheet based on specified rules.  
Public MethodSetExpressionSets a formula in a specified cell on this sheet.  
Public MethodSetFormulaSets the formula for a specified cell.  
Public MethodSetModelDataColumnBinds the model column to the data source column.  
Public MethodSetNoteSets the cell note for a specified cell.  
Public MethodSetRowExpandableSets whether the row on this sheet can be expanded to show the child view in the hierarchical display.  
Public MethodSetRowHeight

Sets the height of the specified row in pixels.

Public MethodSetRowLabelSets the value for a specified cell in the row header.  
Public MethodSetRowMergeSets whether or how cells in a row on this sheet that have the same content are joined into a single cell across multiple columns.  
Public MethodSetRowSizeableSets whether users can resize individual rows.  
Public MethodSetRowVisibleSets whether a row is displayed.  
Public MethodSetStyleInfoSets the style for a cell, a column, a row, or an entire sheet.  
Public MethodSetTagSets the application-defined tag value for the specified cell, column, row, or entire sheet.  
Public MethodSetTextSets the formatted text in the cell using the IFormatter object for the cell.  
Public MethodSetValueSets the value for a cell at the specified row and column.  
Public MethodSortSorts a range of cells in the data model.  
Public MethodSortColumnsOverloaded. Sorts all the columns in the sheet according to the specified parameters.  
Public MethodSortRowsOverloaded. Sorts all the rows in the sheet according to the specified parameters.  
Public MethodToStringReturns the name of the sheet.  
Public MethodUngroupSparklineOverloaded. Ungroups the sparkline.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodCreateColumnAxisModelCreates the column axis model.  
Protected MethodCreateDataModelCreates the data model.  
Protected MethodCreateRowAxisModelCreates the row axis model.  
Protected MethodCreateSelectionModelCreates the selection model.  
Protected MethodCreateSpanModelCreates the span model.  
Protected MethodCreateStyleModelCreates the style model.  
Protected MethodFlushDataCalls GetPagingSupport of the DataModel, selects data to data source view.  
Protected MethodGetChildViewNameGets a name for the child view in a hierarchical display based on the row index and the relation index.  
Protected MethodOnAddColumnFooterRowsProcesses the addition of the specified rows to the column footer in the data model.  
Protected MethodOnAddColumnHeaderRowsProcesses the addition of the specified rows to the column header in the data model.  
Protected MethodOnAddColumnsProcesses the addition of columns to the data model and updates the other models and internal variables of the fpSpread component.  
Protected MethodOnAddRowHeaderColumnsProcesses the addition of columns to the row header of the sheet.  
Protected MethodOnAddRowsProcesses the addition of rows to the data model.  
Protected MethodOnDataModelChangedProcesses the change to the sheet data model and synchronizes the models.  
Protected MethodOnRemoveColumnFooterRowsProcesses the removal of rows from the column header.  
Protected MethodOnRemoveColumnHeaderRowsProcesses the removal of rows from the column header.  
Protected MethodOnRemoveColumnsProcesses the removal of the specified columns from the data model.  
Protected MethodOnRemoveRowHeaderColumnsProcesses the removal of columns from the row header.  
Protected MethodOnRemoveRowsProcesses the removal of the specified rows from the data model.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializePrintInfoDetermines whether the print information should be serialized.  
See Also


SheetView Class
FarPoint.Web.Spread Namespace
FpSheetViewCollection class
Sheets Property
SheetViewCollection Class

User-Task Documentation

Customizing the Appearance of a Sheet



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