Spread for ASP.NET 9.0 Product Documentation
Cell Class Members
Fields  Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by Cell.

Protected Fields
Protected FieldcolumnFieldGets or sets the model column index.  
Protected FieldrowFieldGets or sets the model row index.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyBackColorGets or sets the background color for a cell.  
Public PropertyBackgroundGets or sets the background for a cell.  
Public PropertyBorderGets or sets the border for a cell.  
Public PropertyCanFocusGets or sets whether the user can set focus to the cell using the keyboard or mouse.  
Public PropertyCellTypeGets or sets the type of cell.  
Public PropertyColumnGets the column that contains this cell.  
Public PropertyColumnSpanGets or sets the number of columns spanned by this cell.  
Public PropertyEditorGets or sets the editor for a cell.  
Public PropertyEncodeValueGets or sets the encode value for a cell.  
Public PropertyFontGets or sets the font for the text in a cell.  
Public PropertyForeColorGets or sets the text (foreground) color for a cell.  
Public PropertyFormatterGets or sets the formatter for a cell.  
Public PropertyFormulaGets or sets the formula in a cell.  
Public PropertyHorizontalAlignGets or sets the horizontal alignment of contents for a cell.  
Public PropertyImeModeGets or sets the IME mode for a cell.  
Public PropertyLockedGets or sets whether a cell is marked as locked from editing.  
Public PropertyMarginGets or sets the settings of the cell margins that define the space between the cell border and the cell contents, for the four sides of the cell.  
Public PropertyNoteGets or sets the note for a cell.  
Public PropertyParentGets the parent for this cell.  
Public PropertyParentStyleNameGets or sets the name of the parent style for a cell.  
Public PropertyRendererGets or sets the renderer for a cell.  
Public PropertyRowGets the row that contains this cell.  
Public PropertyRowSpanGets or sets the number of rows spanned by a cell.  
Public PropertySparklineGets or sets the sparkline.  
Public PropertyStyleNameGets or sets the name of the custom style for a cell.  
Public PropertyTabStopGets or sets whether the user can set focus to the cell using the Tab key.  
Public PropertyTagGets or sets an application-defined tag value for a cell.  
Public PropertyTextGets or sets the formatted text in a cell.  
Public PropertyValueGets or sets the value in a cell.  
Public PropertyVerticalAlignGets or sets the vertical alignment for this cell.  
Public Methods
Public MethodEquals

Returns true if the specified object is equivalent to this Cell object, that is, if it represents the same cell or group of cells in the same sheet.

Public MethodGetHashCodeGets the hash code of an object.  
Public MethodGroupSparklineOverloaded. Groups the sparkline.  
Public MethodResetBackColorResets the background color for the cell and makes the cell inherit the background color from the default cell.  
Public MethodResetBackgroundResets the background.  
Public MethodResetBorderResets the cell border for the cell and makes the cell inherit the cell border from the default cell.  
Public MethodResetCanFocusResets to its default value whether the cell can receive focus.  
Public MethodResetCellTypeResets the cell type for the cell and makes the cell inherit the cell type from the default cell.  
Public MethodResetFontResets the font for the cell and makes the cell inherit the font from the default cell.  
Public MethodResetForeColorResets the text (foreground) color for the cell and makes the cell inherit the text color from the default cell.  
Public MethodResetFormulaResets the formula for the cell to empty.  
Public MethodResetHorizontalAlignmentResets the horizontal alignment for the cell and makes the cell inherit the horizontal alignment from the default cell.  
Public MethodResetImeModeResets the background color for the cell and makes the cell inherit the IME mode from the default cell.  
Public MethodResetLockedResets the locked state for the cell and makes the cell inherit the locked state from the default cell.  
Public MethodResetMarginResets the settings of the cell margins that define the space between the cell border and the cell contents, for all the cells in this column.  
Public MethodResetNoteResets the note for the cell to empty.  
Public MethodResetTabStopResets to its default value whether the user can set focus to the cell using the Tab key.  
Public MethodResetTagResets the tag for the cell to empty.  
Public MethodResetTextResets the text for the cell to empty.  
Public MethodResetValueResets the value for the cell to empty.  
Public MethodResetVerticalAlignmentResets the vertical alignment for the cell and makes the cell inherit the vertical alignment from the default cell.  
Public MethodToStringOverloaded. Gets a string that contains an absolute reference to this cell in the current reference style.  
Public MethodUnGroupSparklineOverloaded. Ungroups the sparkline at the specified location if it is in the same group with the current cell.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodGetDataModelGets the data model for a cell.  
Protected MethodIsValidChecks whether the specified view row and column indexes are valid coordinates in the sheet's data model, and if so sets the row and column fields to the model row and column indexes.  
See Also


Cell Class
FarPoint.Web.Spread Namespace
Cells Class

User-Task Documentation

Customizing the Appearance of a Cell
Customizing the Interaction with Cells



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