Spread for ASP.NET 9.0 Product Documentation
AjaxComboBoxCellType Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by AjaxComboBoxCellType.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorAjaxComboBoxCellType ConstructorCreates a new ASP.NET AJAX extender numeric up-down cell.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAutoCompleteModeGets or sets the automatic completion mode of the combo box. Whether the combo box auto-completes by suggesting an item in the list while typing or appending matches as the user types.  
Public PropertyAutoPostBackGets or sets whether the control should automatically post back when clicked. This property only has an effect when the ShowEditor property is true.  
Public PropertyBackColorGets or sets the background color of the cell.  
Public PropertyCaseSensitiveGets or sets a value that indicates whether the combo box auto-complete is case sensitive while the user is typing.  
Public PropertyDataMemberGets or sets the name of the list of data that the data-bound control binds to, in cases where the data source contains more than one distinct list of data items.  
Public PropertyDataSourceGets or sets the object from which the data-bound control retrieves its list of data items.  
Public PropertyDataSourceIDGets or sets the ID of the control from which the data-bound control retrieves its list of data items.  
Public PropertyDataTextFieldGets or sets the data source field that provides the text content of the list items.  
Public PropertyDataValueFieldGets or sets the data source field that provides the value of each list item.  
Public PropertyDropDownStyleGets or sets the drop down style of the combo box. Whether the combo box requires typed text to match an item in the list or allows new items to be created.  
Public PropertyEditorOverridden. Gets or sets the text box editing control.  
Public PropertyEditorClientScriptUrlGets the URL of the client script file for the editor, if the editor supports client-side scripting. (Inherited from FarPoint.Web.Spread.BaseCellType)
Public PropertyItemInsertLocationGets or sets the insert location when inserting an item in the combo box list.  
Public PropertyItemsGets the collection of items in the list control.  
Public PropertyRendererClientScriptUrlGets the URL of the client script file for the renderer, if the renderer supports client-side scripting. (Inherited from FarPoint.Web.Spread.BaseCellType)
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyExtraRendererSettingsGets the conditional formatting settings. (Inherited from FarPoint.Web.Spread.BaseCellType)
Public Methods
Public MethodCloneOverridden. Creates a new copy of the cell type.  
Public MethodFormatOverridden. When deriving a cell type based on this type, override this to change what gets passed back and formatted as a string into the cell on the sheet from the object in the data model.  
Public MethodGetEditorControlOverridden. Gets the control used to edit the cell.  
Public MethodGetEditorValueOverridden. Gets the value from the editing control used for the cell.  
Public MethodGetPreferredSizeGets the preferred (maximum needed) size of the cell for the renderer control. (Inherited from FarPoint.Web.Spread.BaseCellType)
Public MethodPaintCellOverloaded. Overridden. Gets a control and renders it in the cell based on the specified appearance, margin, and value.  
Public MethodParseOverridden. When deriving a cell type based on this type, override this to change what gets parsed from the cell on the sheet and put in the data model.  
Public MethodRendererClientScriptUrl2Gets the URL of the client script file for the renderer for the specified Spread component, if the renderer supports client-side scripting. (Inherited from FarPoint.Web.Spread.BaseCellType)
Public MethodSetTabIndexSet TabIndex for editor (Inherited from FarPoint.Web.Spread.BaseCellType)
Public MethodToStringGets the name of the cell type. (Inherited from FarPoint.Web.Spread.BaseCellType)
Public MethodValidateEditorValueValidates the given value. (Inherited from FarPoint.Web.Spread.BaseCellType)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodAppendEllipsisAppends the ellipsis. (Inherited from FarPoint.Web.Spread.BaseCellType)
Protected MethodApplyStyleToApplies the appearance and the margin to the cell. (Inherited from FarPoint.Web.Spread.BaseCellType)
Protected MethodDeserializeExtendersOverridden. Loads the extenders from XML.  
Protected MethodDrawBackgroundImageDraws the background image to PDF. (Inherited from FarPoint.Web.Spread.BaseCellType)
Protected MethodFormatForPdfReturns the format of a value for PDF. (Inherited from FarPoint.Web.Spread.BaseCellType)
Protected MethodGetImageGets an Image object using an image path. (Inherited from FarPoint.Web.Spread.BaseCellType)
Protected MethodGetStringSizeGets the size of the text string. (Inherited from FarPoint.Web.Spread.BaseCellType)
Protected MethodProcessMarginOverloaded. Processes the margin. (Inherited from FarPoint.Web.Spread.BaseCellType)
Protected MethodSerializeExtendersOverridden. Saves the extenders to XML.  
See Also


AjaxComboBoxCellType Class
FarPoint.Web.Spread.Extender Namespace

User-Task Documentation

Working with ASP.NET AJAX Extender Cell Types



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