Spread Windows Forms 8.0 Product Documentation
SmartPrint Tab

The SmartPrint tab of the Sheet Print Settings dialog provides the rule options for printing.

Spread Designer Sheet Print Settings Dialog, SmartPrint Tab

This tab provides the following items:

Item Description
Use SmartPrint Set whether to print using the SmartPrint capability, which optimizes printing by following certain rules
Box with current print rules Display the current print rules defined for SmartPrint; select a rule to remove it
Delete Click to remove the selected print rule
SmartPrint Rule To change a rule, select the rule to change from this list
Add Click to add the selected rule and its settings to the set of print rules
Rule Options Set of controls that varies depending on the rule selected in the SmartPrint Rule list
Reset Option Set whether to reset the rule before testing the next print rule
Start Factor For the Scale Rule, set the zoom factor at which to begin testing
End Factor For the Scale Rule, set the zoom factor at which to stop testing
Interval For the Scale Rule, set the amount by which to decrement the zoom factor between scale tests

For more information about optimum printing and SmartPrint rules, refer to Optimizing the Printing in the Developer’s Guide.



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