Spread Windows Forms 8.0 Product Documentation
Other Settings Imported from Spread COM Files

Spread COM and Spread.NET have other differences that are handled during import of a Spread COM file, as described in the following table.

Setting Difference How Imported
ActiveSheet Spread.NET uses ActiveSheetIndex. This property is not imported.
ClipboardOptions property settings Spread.NET offers fewer settings than Spread COM for its ClipboardOptions property. The Spread COM settings are ignored; you must reset this property in Spread.NET.
ColHidden Spread.NET offers the Column.Visible property (or SheetView.ColumnVisible), which is the inverse of the ColHidden property. The Spread COM setting is imported and interpreted for the new Visible property. For example, for a column in Spread COM if the ColHidden property was set to True, in Spread.NET, the Visible property is set to False.
Print properties Spread.NET uses different properties. These settings are not imported.
TwoDigitYearMax property setting Spread.NET sets this as a cell‑level property rather than a component‑level property. The Spread COM setting is ignored; you must reset this property in Spread.NET.



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