Spread Windows Forms 8.0 Product Documentation
Customizing Painting of Parts of the Component

You can customize the painting of various parts of the component's display by looking for events and painting (rendering) those parts the way you want.

The members that are used with custom painting include:

Member Description
OnPaintTabStrip Raises the PaintTabStrip event
OnPaintTabStripButton Raises the PaintTabStripButton event
OnPaintTabStripTab Raises the PaintTabStripTab event
PaintTabStrip event Occurs when the TabStrip needs painting
PaintTabStripButton event Occurs when a TabStrip button needs painting
PaintTabStripTab event Occurs when a TabStrip tab needs painting
PaintTabStripEventArgs Contains data related to this event
PaintTabStripButtonEventArgs Contains data related to this event
PaintTabStripTabEventArgs Contains data related to this event



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