Spread Windows Forms 8.0 Product Documentation
DropDownEditor Class Members
Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by DropDownEditor.

Public Properties
Public PropertyBackColorGets or sets the background color of the drop-down window.  
Public PropertyBackgroundImageGets or sets the background image displayed in the drop-down window.  
Public PropertyBackgroundImageLayoutGets or sets the layout of the background image.  
Public PropertyBorderStyleGets or sets the border style.  
Public PropertyCanUndoGets a value that indicates whether the user can undo the previous operation in a text box control.  
Public PropertyContentAlignmentGets or sets the alignment of the content.  
Public PropertyContextMenuGets or sets the context menu.  
Public PropertyContextMenuStripGets or sets the context menu strip.  
Public PropertyCursorGets or sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the drop-down window.  
Public PropertyFontGets or sets the font which is used for the drop-down window.  
Public PropertyForeColorGets or sets the foreground color of the drop-down window.  
Public PropertyLinesGets or sets the lines in the drop-down editor.  
Public PropertyPaddingGets or sets the padding of the drop-down window.  
Public PropertyReadOnlyGets or sets a value that indicates whether the drop-down editor is read-only.  
Public PropertyScrollBarModeGets or sets how to display the scroll bars.  
Public PropertyScrollBarsGets or sets a value that indicates how to show scroll bars.  
Public PropertySelectedTextGets or sets a value that indicates the currently selected text in the drop-down editor.  
Public PropertySelectionLengthGets or sets the number of characters selected in the drop-down editor.  
Public PropertySelectionStartGets or sets the starting point of text selected in the drop-down window.  
Public PropertyShowContextMenuGets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the context menu.  
Public PropertySingleBorderColorGets or sets the color of the single line border.  
Public PropertyTextGets or sets the text.  
Public PropertyTextLengthGets the length of the text in the drop-down window.  
Public PropertyTouchToolBarGets the shown TouchToolBar by touch operation.  
Public Methods
Public MethodAppendTextAppends text to the current text of the control.  
Public MethodClearClears the contents of the control.  
Public MethodClearUndoClears information about the most recent operation from the undo buffer of the control.  
Public MethodCopyCopies the current selection in the control to the Clipboard.  
Public MethodCutMoves the current selection in the control to the Clipboard.  
Public MethodGetLineCountRetrieves the number of lines in a multiple-line mode of the drop-down window.  
Public MethodPasteReplaces the current selection in the control with the contents of the Clipboard.  
Public MethodScrollToCaretScrolls the contents of the control to the current caret position.  
Public MethodSelectAllSelects all text in the control.  
Public MethodUndoUndoes the last edit operation in the control.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodOnClickRaises the Click event.  
Protected MethodOnDoubleClickRaises the DoubleClick event.  
Protected MethodOnInvalidInputRaises the InvalidInput event.  
Protected MethodOnKeyDownRaises the KeyDown event.  
Protected MethodOnKeyPressRaises the KeyPress event.  
Protected MethodOnKeyUpRaises the KeyUp event.  
Protected MethodOnTextChangedRaises the TextChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnTextChangingRaises the TextChanging event.  
Public Events
Public EventClickOccurs when the drop-down editor is clicked.  
Public EventDoubleClickOccurs when the drop-down editor is double-clicked.  
Public EventInvalidInputOccurs when there is invalid input.  
Public EventKeyDownOccurs when a key is pressed.  
Public EventKeyPressOccurs when a character key is pressed.  
Public EventKeyUpOccurs when a key is released.  
Public EventTextChangedOccurs when the text of the drop-down editor is changed.  
Public EventTextChangingOccurs when a key is released.  
See Also


DropDownEditor Class
GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType Namespace



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