Spread Windows Forms 8.0 Product Documentation
FarPoint.Win.Chart Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
Provides the base classes, enumerations, and structures for the Spread Chart for the Windows Forms platform.
ClassAction Abstract class used to implemented actions.
ClassAreaSeries Represents an area series in a Y plot area.
ClassAreaSeriesCollection Represents a collection of series.
ClassAxis Base class for axes.
ClassAxisHitTest Represents information about the hit test for the axis.
ClassAxisInfo Represents information of a selected axis.
ClassBarSeries Represents a bar series in a Y plot area.
ClassBarSeriesCollection Represents a collection of series.
ClassBevel Base class for bevels.
ClassBevelCollection Represents a collectionf of bevels.
ClassBuiltinMarker Represents a builtin marker.
ClassCandlestickSeries Represents a stock series in a Y plot area.
ClassChart2DRenderer Renders a 2D view of a chart model using GDI+ rendering.
ClassChart3DRenderer Renderers a 3D view of a chart model using OpenGL rendering.
ClassChartModel Represents a model of a chart. The model contains a collection of labels, a collection of legends, and a collection of plot areas.
ClassCircleBevel Represents a circular bevel.
ClassClipboardCutCancelEventArgs Event argument for cut action. Users can cancel this action.
ClassClipboardCutUndoAction Represents an undo action for cutting an object to clipboard. Object could be a label area, legend area, plot area or series info.
ClassClipboardPasteCancelEventArgs Event argument for clip board paste action. Users can cancel this action.
ClassClipboardPasteUndoAction Represents an undo action for pasting an object from clipboard. Object could be a label area, legend area, plot area or series info.
ClassClusteredBarSeries Represents a clustered group of bar series in a Y plot area.
ClassDeleteCancelEventArgs Event argument for delete action. Users can cancel this actions.
ClassDeleteUndoAction Represents an undo action for deleting an object. Object could be a label, legend, plot area or seriesInfo
ClassDetachmentCollection Represents a collection of Single values.
ClassDirectionalLight Represents a directional light source.
ClassDoubleCollection Represents a collection of double values.
ClassDoubleCollectionCollection Represents a collection of collections of double values.
ClassDoubleCollectionCustomTypeDescriptor CustomTypeDescriptor for DoubleCollection.
ClassDoubleCollectionPropertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor for DoubleCollection.
ClassDoubleCollectionTypeDescriptionProvider TypeDescriptionProvider for DoubleCollection.
ClassFill Represents the fill base.
ClassFillCollection Represents a collection of fills.
ClassFpCategoryAttribute Represents the FarPoint category attribute.
ClassFpChart Represents a view of a chart model using either GDI (2D) or OpenGL (3D) rendering.
ClassGradientFill Represents a fill that uses a two color linear gradient.
ClassGripHitTest Represent hit test info returned by grip renderer
ClassHighLowAreaSeries Represents a high-low area series in a Y plot area.
ClassHighLowBarSeries Represents a high-low bar series in a Y plot area.
ClassHighLowCloseSeries Represents a high-low-close series in a Y plot area.
ClassHitTest Represents information about the hit test.
ClassImageFill Represents a fill that is an image.
ClassIndexAxis Represents an indexed axis.
ClassLabelArea Represents a label area in the chart.
ClassLabelAreaCollection Represents a collection of label areas.
ClassLabelAreaHitTest Represents information about the hit test in the label area.
ClassLegendArea Represents a legend area in the chart.
ClassLegendAreaCollection Represents a collection of legend areas.
ClassLegendAreaHitTest Represents information about the hit test for the legend area.
ClassLight Base class for light sources.
ClassLightCollection Represents a collection of lights.
ClassLine Base class for lines.
ClassLineCollection Represents a collection of lines.
ClassLineSeries Represents a line series in a Y plot area.
ClassLineSeriesCollection Represents a collection of series.
ClassMarker Base class for markers.
ClassMarkerCollection Represents a collection of markers.
ClassMoveResizeCancelEventArgs Event argument for move or resize action.Users can cancel this actions.
ClassMoveResizeUndoAction Represents an undo action for moving or resizing an object. Object could be a label, legend or plot area.
ClassNoBevel Represents a none bevel.
ClassNoFill Represents a fill that is transparent.
ClassNoLine Represents a line that is transparent.
ClassNoMarker Represents a marker that is transparent.
ClassObliqueProjection Represents an oblique projection of a 3D space onto a 2D plane.
ClassOpenHighLowCloseSeries Represents an open-high-low-close series in a Y plot area.
ClassOrthogonalProjection Represents a orthogonal projection of a 3D space onto a 2D plane.
ClassPerspectiveProjection Represents a perspective projection of a 3D space onto a 2D plane.
ClassPiePlotArea Represents a pie plot area in a chart model.
ClassPieSeries Represents a pie series in a pie plot area.
ClassPlotArea Represents the base class for plot areas.
ClassPlotAreaCollection Represents a collection of plot areas.
ClassPlotAreaHitTest Represents information about the hit test for the plot area.
ClassPointSeries Represents a point series in a Y plot area.
ClassPointSeriesCollection Represents a collection of series.
ClassPolarAngleAxis Represents a numeric axis.
ClassPolarAreaSeries Represents an area series in a polar plot area.
ClassPolarLineSeries Represents a line series in a polar plot area.
ClassPolarPlotArea Represents a polar plot area in a chart model.
ClassPolarPointSeries Represents a point series in a polar plot area.
ClassPolarRadiusAxis Represents a numeric axis.
ClassPolarRadiusAxisCollection Represents a collection of axes.
ClassPolarSeries Base class for series in a polar plot area.
ClassPositionalLight Represents a positinoal light source.
ClassProjection Represents a projection of a 3D space onto a 2D plane.
ClassRadarAreaSeries Represents an area series in a radar plot area.
ClassRadarIndexAxis Represents an indexed axis.
ClassRadarLineSeries Represents a line series in a radar plot area.
ClassRadarPlotArea Represents a radar plot area in a chart model.
ClassRadarPointSeries Represents a point series in a radar plot area.
ClassRadarSeries Base class for series in a radar plot area.
ClassRadarValueAxis Represents a numeric axis.
ClassRadarValueAxisCollection Represents a collection of axes.
ClassSeries Base class for series.
ClassSeriesCollection Represents a collection of series.
ClassSeriesHitTest Represents information about the hit test for the series.
ClassSeriesInfo This class represent infomation to identify a series used in selection.
ClassSolidFill Represents a fill that uses a single color.
ClassSolidLine Represents a line that uses a single color.
ClassStackedAreaSeries Represents a stacked group of area series in a Y plot area.
ClassStackedBarSeries Represents a stacked group of bar series in a Y plot area.
ClassStackedLineSeries Represents a stacked group of line series in a Y plot area.
ClassStackedPointSeries Represents a stacked group of point series in a Y plot area.
ClassStringCollection Represents a collectin of string values.
ClassStripe Represents an axis stripe.
ClassStripeCollection Represents a collection of stripes.
ClassUndoAction Represents the actions in the component for which the user can perform an undo or redo.
ClassUndoRedoCancelEventArgs Represents the event data for the undo and redo events handled by the undo manager.
ClassUndoRedoEventArgs Represents the event data for the undo and redo events handled by the undo manager.
ClassUndoRedoManager Represents the manager of the undo actions for the FpChart component.
ClassValueAxis Represents a numeric axis.
ClassValueAxisCollection Represents a collection of axes.
ClassWall Represents a chart wall. A wall can be assigned a border, a fill, and a width.
ClassXYBubbleSeries Represents a bubble series in a Y plot area.
ClassXYLineSeries Represents a line series in a XY plot area.
ClassXYPlotArea Represents a XY plot area in a chart model.
ClassXYPointSeries Represents a point series in a XY plot area.
ClassXYSeries Base class for series in a XY plot area.
ClassXYZLineSeries Represents a line series in a XYZ plot area area.
ClassXYZPlotArea Represents a XYZ plot area in a chart model.
ClassXYZPointSeries Represents a point series in a XYZ plot area.
ClassXYZSeries Base class for series in a XYZ plot area.
ClassXYZSurfaceSeries Represents a surface series in a XYZ plot area.
ClassYPlotArea Represents a Y plot area in a chart model.
ClassYSeries Base class for a series in a Y plot area.
InterfaceIChartSupportDataSource Indicates whether to check that a specified data type exists in the data source.
InterfaceICompositeSeries Marker interface indicating that the series contains a collection of subseries.
StructurePaddingF Represents padding or margin information.
DelegateUndoRedoCancelEventHandler Represents a defined method that handles the undo and redo events from the undo manager.
DelegateUndoRedoEventHandler Represents a defined method that handles the undo and redo events from the undo manager.
EnumerationAxisInfo.AxisType Indicates the axis type
EnumerationAxisLocation Specifies the location of the axis relative to the plot area.
EnumerationAxisPosition Specifies the position of the axis relative to other axis.
EnumerationBarShape Specifies the shape of a bar in a bar series chart.
EnumerationChartViewType Indicates whether view rendered is 2D or 3D.
EnumerationDragDirection Drag direction
EnumerationGradientStyle Specifies the direction of a linear gradient.
EnumerationIndexAxisType Indicates the display type of an index axis.
EnumerationLegendPos Legend position.
EnumerationMarkerShape Specifies the shape of a data point in a point series chart.
EnumerationTextDirection Specifies the direction of text.
See Also


FarPoint.Win.Chart Assembly



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