Spread Windows Forms 8.0 Product Documentation
ValueAxis Class Members
Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by ValueAxis.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorValueAxis ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyAutoLabelUnitGets or sets whether the interval for tick mark labels is automatically generated.  
Public PropertyAutoMajorUnitGets or sets whether the interval for major tick marks and major grid lines is automatically generated.  
Public PropertyAutoMaximumGets or sets whether the ruler maximum is automatically generated.  
Public PropertyAutoMinimumGets or sets whether the ruler minimum is automatically generated.  
Public PropertyAutoMinorUnitGets or sets whether the interval for minor tick marks and minor grid lines is automatically generated.  
Public PropertyAxisIdGets or sets an ID for the axis.  
Public PropertyDisplayUnitsGets or sets the units in which labels are displayed.  
Public PropertyLabelFormatterGets or sets the label formatter object for the axis labels. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Chart.Axis)
Public PropertyLabelOffsetGets or sets the distance the tick mark labels are offset.  
Public PropertyLabelRotationAngleGets or sets the rotation angle for the label.  
Public PropertyLabelTextDirectionGets or sets the text orientation for the label.  
Public PropertyLabelTextFillGets or sets the fill used to draw the tick mark labels.  
Public PropertyLabelTextFontGets or sets the font used to draw the tick mark labels.  
Public PropertyLabelUnitGets or sets the interval for tick mark labels.  
Public PropertyLabelVisibleGets or sets whether the tick mark labels are visible.  
Public PropertyLocationGets or sets the location of the axis relative to the plot area.  
Public PropertyLocationCustomValueGets or sets the custom location of the axis relative to the plot area.  
Public PropertyLogarithmicGets or sets whether the axis uses a linear or logarithmic scale.  
Public PropertyLogarithmicBaseGets or sets the lorgarithmic base.  
Public PropertyMajorGridLineGets or sets the line used to draw the major grid lines.  
Public PropertyMajorGridVisibleGets or sets whether the major grid lines are visible.  
Public PropertyMajorTickLengthGets or sets the length of the major tick marks.  
Public PropertyMajorTickVisibleGets or sets whether the major tick marks are visible.  
Public PropertyMajorUnitGets or sets the interval for the major tick marks and major grid lines.  
Public PropertyMaximumGets or sets the ruler maximum.  
Public PropertyMinimumGets or sets the ruler minimum.  
Public PropertyMinorGridLineGets or sets the line used to draw the minor grid lines.  
Public PropertyMinorGridVisibleGets or sets whether the minor grid lines are visible.  
Public PropertyMinorTickLengthGets or sets the length of the minor tick marks.  
Public PropertyMinorTickVisibleGets or sets whether the minor tick marks are visible.  
Public PropertyMinorUnitGets or sets the interval for the minor tick marks and minor grid lines.  
Public PropertyPositionGets or sets the axis position.  
Public PropertyReverseGets or sets whether the direction of the ruler is inverted.  
Public PropertyRulerLineGets or sets the line used to draw the ruler.  
Public PropertyRulerOffsetGets or sets the distance the ruler is offset.  
Public PropertyRulerVisibleGets or sets whether the ruler is visible.  
Public PropertyStripesGets the collection of stripes.  
Public PropertyTitleGets or sets the title.  
Public PropertyTitleDataFieldGets or sets the field in the data source that stores the title.  
Public PropertyTitleDataSourceGets or sets the data source for the title.  
Public PropertyTitleManualLayoutGets or sets whether the axis title items are placed manually. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Chart.Axis)
Public PropertyTitleOffsetGets or sets the distance the title is offset.  
Public PropertyTitleOffsetInternal  
Public PropertyTitleOverlayGets whether the axis title overlaps the axis label. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Chart.Axis)
Public PropertyTitleRotationAngleGets or sets the rotation angle for the title.  
Public PropertyTitleTextDirectionGets or sets the text orientation for the title.  
Public PropertyTitleTextFillGets or sets the fill used to draw the title.  
Public PropertyTitleTextFontGets or sets the font used to draw the title.  
Public PropertyTitleVisibleGets or sets whether the title is visible.  
Public Methods
Public MethodCloneCreates a deep copy of the specified axis.  
Public MethodGetSchemaThis method is reserved and should not be used.  
Public MethodReadXmlGenerates an object from its XML representation.  
Public MethodWriteXmlConverts an object into its XML representation.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodOnChangedRaises the Changed event. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Chart.Axis)
Public Events
Public EventChangedOccurs when the axis is changed. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Chart.Axis)
See Also


ValueAxis Class
FarPoint.Win.Chart Namespace



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