Spread for ASP.NET 8.0 Product Documentation
SheetSkin Constructor(String,Color,Color,Color,Int32,Color,GridLines,Color,Color,Color,Color,Color,Color,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean)

Name of the skin
Background color for the sheet
Background color of the cells
Text color of the cells
Cell spacing in the table
Grid line color
Which grid lines are displayed
Background color of the headers
Text color of the headers
Background color of selected cells
Text color of selected cells
Background color of even rows
Background color of odd rows
Whether flat headers are displayed (or default three-dimensional headers)
Whether flat headers are displayed (or default three-dimensional headers)
Whether to show bold font in headers
Whether to display the column header
Whether to display the row header
Creates a new skin with the specified settings.
Public Function New( _
   ByVal name As String, _
   ByVal backColor As Color, _
   ByVal cellBackColor As Color, _
   ByVal cellForeColor As Color, _
   ByVal cellSpacing As Integer, _
   ByVal gridLineColor As Color, _
   ByVal gridLines As GridLines, _
   ByVal headerBackColor As Color, _
   ByVal headerForeColor As Color, _
   ByVal selectionBackColor As Color, _
   ByVal selectionForeColor As Color, _
   ByVal evenRowBackColor As Color, _
   ByVal oddRowBackColor As Color, _
   ByVal flatColumnHeader As Boolean, _
   ByVal flatRowHeader As Boolean, _
   ByVal headerFontBold As Boolean, _
   ByVal showColumnHeader As Boolean, _
   ByVal showRowHeader As Boolean _
Dim name As String
Dim backColor As Color
Dim cellBackColor As Color
Dim cellForeColor As Color
Dim cellSpacing As Integer
Dim gridLineColor As Color
Dim gridLines As GridLines
Dim headerBackColor As Color
Dim headerForeColor As Color
Dim selectionBackColor As Color
Dim selectionForeColor As Color
Dim evenRowBackColor As Color
Dim oddRowBackColor As Color
Dim flatColumnHeader As Boolean
Dim flatRowHeader As Boolean
Dim headerFontBold As Boolean
Dim showColumnHeader As Boolean
Dim showRowHeader As Boolean
Dim instance As New SheetSkin(name, backColor, cellBackColor, cellForeColor, cellSpacing, gridLineColor, gridLines, headerBackColor, headerForeColor, selectionBackColor, selectionForeColor, evenRowBackColor, oddRowBackColor, flatColumnHeader, flatRowHeader, headerFontBold, showColumnHeader, showRowHeader)


Name of the skin
Background color for the sheet
Background color of the cells
Text color of the cells
Cell spacing in the table
Grid line color
Which grid lines are displayed
Background color of the headers
Text color of the headers
Background color of selected cells
Text color of selected cells
Background color of even rows
Background color of odd rows
Whether flat headers are displayed (or default three-dimensional headers)
Whether flat headers are displayed (or default three-dimensional headers)
Whether to show bold font in headers
Whether to display the column header
Whether to display the row header

This method initializes an instance of the SheetSkin class and specifies the settings for the sheet skin.

Set flatcolumnheader to true for flat headers; set to false for the default three-dimensional headers.

Set flatrowheader to true for flat headers; set to false for the default three-dimensional headers.

Set headerfontbold to true for bold font.

Set showcolumnheader to true to display the column header.

Set showrowheader to true to display the row header.

This example creates a new skin and applies it to the component.
FarPoint.Web.Spread.SheetSkin sk = new FarPoint.Web.Spread.SheetSkin("TestSkin", Color.LightGoldenrodYellow, Color.Wheat,
Color.DarkGreen, 2, Color.YellowGreen, GridLines.Both, Color.Thistle, Color.BlanchedAlmond, Color.Wheat, Color.DarkBlue, Color.Empty,
Color.Empty, false, false, true, true, true);

FarPoint.Web.Spread.SheetSkin testskin = new FarPoint.Web.Spread.SheetSkin(sk);
Dim sk As New FarPoint.Web.Spread.SheetSkin("TestSkin", Color.LightGoldenrodYellow, Color.Wheat, Color.DarkGreen, 2, Color.YellowGreen,
GridLines.Both, Color.Thistle, Color.BlanchedAlmond, Color.Wheat, Color.DarkBlue, Nothing, Nothing, False, False, True, True,

Dim testskin As New FarPoint.Web.Spread.SheetSkin(sk)

Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2000, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP Professional, Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, SP6, Windows NT 4.0 Server, SP6

See Also


SheetSkin Class
SheetSkin Members
Overload List



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