Spread for ASP.NET 8.0 Product Documentation
UseSmartPrint Property

Gets or sets whether the control optimizes the printing using rules.
Public Property UseSmartPrint As Boolean
Dim instance As PrintInfo
Dim value As Boolean
instance.UseSmartPrint = value
value = instance.UseSmartPrint
public bool UseSmartPrint {get; set;}
This sets the properties for the PrintInfo class.
FarPoint.Web.Spread.PrintInfo prinf = new FarPoint.Web.Spread.PrintInfo();
prinf.BestFitCols = true;
prinf.BestFitRows = true;
prinf.Centering = FarPoint.Web.Spread.Centering.Both;
prinf.ColEnd = 10;
prinf.Colors = new System.Drawing.Color[] {
prinf.ColStart = 0;
prinf.FirstPageNumber = 1;
prinf.Footer = "/g\"1\"/cl\"4\"This is Page /p of /pc Pages";
prinf.FooterHeight = 40;
prinf.Header = "/cl\"0\"Print Job For FarPoint Inc./n /n ";
prinf.HeaderHeight = 40;
prinf.Images = new System.Drawing.Image[] {
prinf.Margin = new FarPoint.Web.Spread.PrintMargin(10, 10, 10, 10, 20, 20);
prinf.Opacity = 50;
prinf.Orientation = FarPoint.Web.Spread.PrintOrientation.Landscape;
prinf.PageEnd = 5;
prinf.PageOrder = FarPoint.Web.Spread.PrintPageOrder.OverThenDown;
prinf.PageStart = 1;
prinf.PrintNotes = FarPoint.Web.Spread.PrintNotes.None;
prinf.PrintType = FarPoint.Web.Spread.PrintType.All;
prinf.RepeatColEnd = 10;
prinf.RepeatColStart = 1;
prinf.RepeatRowEnd = 10;
prinf.RepeatRowStart = 1;
prinf.RowEnd = 10;
prinf.RowStart = 1;
prinf.ShowBorder = false;
prinf.ShowColumnFooter = FarPoint.Web.Spread.PrintHeader.Show;
prinf.ShowColumnFooterEachPage = true;
prinf.ShowColumnHeader = FarPoint.Web.Spread.PrintHeader.Show;
prinf.ShowGrid = true;
prinf.ShowRowHeader = FarPoint.Web.Spread.PrintHeader.Show;
prinf.ShowSubtitle = true;
prinf.ShowTitle = true;
prinf.SmartPrintPagesTall = 1;
prinf.SmartPrintPagesWide = 1;
FarPoint.Web.Spread.SmartPrintRulesCollection prules = new FarPoint.Web.Spread.SmartPrintRulesCollection();
prules.Add(new FarPoint.Web.Spread.BestFitColumnRule(FarPoint.Web.Spread.ResetOption.None));
prinf.SmartPrintRules = prules;
prinf.UseMax = true;
prinf.UseSmartPrint = false;
prinf.ZoomFactor = 2;
FpSpread1.ActiveSheetView.PrintInfo = prinf;
Dim prinf As New FarPoint.Web.Spread.PrintInfo
prinf.BestFitCols = True
prinf.BestFitRows = True
prinf.Centering = FarPoint.Web.Spread.Centering.Both
prinf.ColEnd = 10
prinf.Colors = New Drawing.Color() {Drawing.Color.Green, Drawing.Color.Yellow, Drawing.Color.Gold, Drawing.Color.Indigo, Drawing.Color.Brown}
prinf.ColStart = 0
prinf.FirstPageNumber = 1
prinf.Footer = "/g""1""/cl""4""This is Page /p of /pc Pages"
prinf.FooterHeight = 40
prinf.Header = "/cl""0""Print Job For FarPoint Inc./n /n "
prinf.HeaderHeight = 40
prinf.Images = New System.Drawing.Image() {System.Drawing.Image.FromFile("D:\images\point.jpg"), System.Drawing.Image.FromFile("D:\images\logo.gif"), System.Drawing.Image.FromFile("D:\images\icon.jpg")}
prinf.Margin = New FarPoint.Web.Spread.PrintMargin(10, 10, 10, 10, 20, 20)
prinf.Opacity = 50
prinf.Orientation = FarPoint.Web.Spread.PrintOrientation.Landscape
prinf.PageEnd = 5
prinf.PageOrder = FarPoint.Web.Spread.PrintPageOrder.OverThenDown
prinf.PageStart = 1
prinf.PrintNotes = FarPoint.Web.Spread.PrintNotes.None
prinf.PrintType = FarPoint.Web.Spread.PrintType.All
prinf.RepeatColEnd = 10
prinf.RepeatColStart = 1
prinf.RepeatRowEnd = 10
prinf.RepeatRowStart = 1
prinf.RowEnd = 10
prinf.RowStart = 1
prinf.ShowBorder = False
prinf.ShowColumnFooter = FarPoint.Web.Spread.PrintHeader.Show
prinf.ShowColumnFooterEachPage = True
prinf.ShowColumnHeader = FarPoint.Web.Spread.PrintHeader.Show
prinf.ShowGrid = True
prinf.ShowRowHeader = FarPoint.Web.Spread.PrintHeader.Show
prinf.ShowSubtitle = True
prinf.ShowTitle = True
prinf.SmartPrintPagesTall = 1
prinf.SmartPrintPagesWide = 1
Dim prules As New FarPoint.Web.Spread.SmartPrintRulesCollection
prules.Add(New FarPoint.Web.Spread.BestFitColumnRule(FarPoint.Web.Spread.ResetOption.None))
prinf.SmartPrintRules = prules
prinf.UseMax = True
prinf.UseSmartPrint = False
prinf.ZoomFactor = 2
FpSpread1.ActiveSheetView.PrintInfo = prinf

Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2000, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP Professional, Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, SP6, Windows NT 4.0 Server, SP6

See Also


PrintInfo Class
PrintInfo Members



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