Spread for ASP.NET 8.0 Product Documentation
Border Class Methods

For a list of all members of this type, see Border members.

Public Methods
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ApplyBorderApplies any non-blank border settings of a border to the specified control.  
Public MethodCloneCreates a new border that is a copy of the current instance.  
Public MethodCompareToCompares the current object with another object of the same type.  
Public MethodCopyCopies the specified Border object properties to the current object.  
Public MethodDeserializeLoads the object from XML.  
Public MethodEqualsOverloaded. Determines whether the border of the current object is the same as the specified Border object.  
Public MethodIsDefinedGets whether a specified border property has been set.  
Public MethodMergeOverloaded. Merges settings of the specified Border object with the current border.  
Public MethodPaintPaints the border inside the specified rectangle.  
Public MethodResetResets the specified border property to its default setting.  
Public MethodResetAllResets all border property settings to their default values.  
Public MethodSerializeSaves the object to XML.  
Public MethodSerialize2Saves the object to XML.  
Public MethodToStringGets the name of the border as a string.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodSetFlagSets a flag to indicate whether a property has been set.  
See Also


Border Class
FarPoint.Web.Spread Namespace

User-Task Documentation

Customizing Borders of the Control



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