Spread for ASP.NET 8.0 Product Documentation
FarPoint.Web.Chart Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
Provides the classes used with the Spread Chart control.
ClassAreaSeries Represents an area series in a Y plot area.
ClassAreaSeriesCollection Represents a collection of series.
ClassAxis Base class for axes.
ClassBarSeries Represents a bar series in a Y plot area.
ClassBarSeriesCollection Represents a collection of series.
ClassBeforeRenderMapAreasEventArgs BeforeRenderMapAreasEventArgs is used by BeforeRenderMapAreasHandler which is raised before the chart control is going to render the map area HTML.
ClassBevel Base class for bevels.
ClassBevelCollection Represents a collectionf of bevels.
ClassBuiltinMarker Represents a builtin marker.
ClassCandlestickSeries Represents a stock series in a Y plot area.
ClassChart2DRenderer Renders a 2D view of a chart model using GDI+ rendering.
ClassChart3DRenderer Renderers a 3D view of a chart model using OpenGL rendering.
ClassChartImageHttpHandler Represents a ChartImageHttpHandler, which processes the chart image request and returns the image stream to the client. This is used by the HttpHandlerImageRender class.
ClassChartMapArea Defines a chart map area inside the FpChart control.
ClassChartModel Represents a model of a chart. The model contains a collection of labels, a collection of legends, and a collection of plot areas.
ClassCircleBevel Represents a circular bevel.
ClassClusteredBarSeries Represents a clustered group of bar series in a Y plot area.
ClassDetachmentCollection Represents a collection of Single values.
ClassDirectionalLight Represents a directional light source.
ClassDoubleCollection Represents a collection of double values.
ClassDoubleCollectionCollection Represents a collection of collections of double values.
ClassDoubleCollectionCollectionCodeDomSerializer CodeDomSerializer for DoubleCollectionCollection.
ClassDoubleCollectionCustomTypeDescriptor CustomTypeDescriptor for DoubleCollection.
ClassDoubleCollectionPropertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor for DoubleCollection.
ClassDoubleCollectionTypeDescriptionProvider TypeDescriptionProvider for DoubleCollection.
ClassFileImageRender The FileImageRender renders a chart image to the local temporary files and returns the image Url.
ClassFill Represents the fill base.
ClassFillCollection Represents a collection of fills.
ClassFpCategoryAttribute Represents the FarPoint category attribute.
ClassFpChart Represents a FarPoint Chart Web Control. It displays a chart image.
ClassFpChartBuilder Supports the page parser in building an FpChart Control.
ClassGradientFill Represents a fill that uses a two color linear gradient.
ClassGripHitTest Represent hit test info returned by grip renderer
ClassHighLowAreaSeries Represents a high-low area series in a Y plot area.
ClassHighLowBarSeries Represents a high-low bar series in a Y plot area.
ClassHighLowCloseSeries Represents a high-low-close series in a Y plot area.
ClassHitTest Represents information about the hit test.
ClassHttpHandlerImageRender The HttpHandlerImageRender renders the chart image to memory using the ChartImageHttpHandler and returns the image Url.
ClassImageFill Represents a fill that is an image.
ClassImageRender ImageRender base class which represents an image render.
ClassIndexAxis Represents an indexed axis.
ClassLabelArea Represents a label area in the chart.
ClassLabelAreaCollection Represents a collection of label areas.
ClassLabelAreaHitTest Represents information about the hit test in the label area.
ClassLegendArea Represents a legend area in the chart.
ClassLegendAreaCollection Represents a collection of legend areas.
ClassLegendAreaHitTest Represents information about the hit test for the legend area.
ClassLight Base class for light sources.
ClassLightCollection Represents a collection of lights.
ClassLine Base class for lines.
ClassLineCollection Represents a collection of lines.
ClassLineSeries Represents a line series in a Y plot area.
ClassLineSeriesCollection Represents a collection of series.
ClassMapArea Defines a region in an image map of the FpChart control.
ClassMapAreaClickEventArgs MapAreaClickEventArgs is used by MapAreaClickEventHandler which is raised after the map area of FpChart is clicked.
ClassMapAreaCollection Represents a collection of MapArea.
ClassMapAreaInfo MapAreaInfo has the infomation describes which chart element a map area cooresponding to.
ClassMarker Base class for markers.
ClassMarkerCollection Represents a collection of markers.
ClassNoBevel Represents a none bevel.
ClassNoFill Represents a fill that is transparent.
ClassNoLine Represents a line that is transparent.
ClassNoMarker Represents a marker that is transparent.
ClassNullItemBevelCollectionCodeDomSerializer CodeDomSerializer for Bevel collection object
ClassNullItemFillCollectionCodeDomSerializer CodeDomSerializer for Fill collection object
ClassNullItemLineCollectionCodeDomSerializer CodeDomSerializer for Line collection object
ClassNullItemMarkerCollectionCodeDomSerializer CodeDomSerializer for Marker collection object
ClassNullItemStringCollectionCodeDomSerializer CodeDomSerializer for String collection object
ClassObliqueProjection Represents an oblique projection of a 3D space onto a 2D plane.
ClassOpenHighLowCloseSeries Represents an open-high-low-close series in a Y plot area.
ClassOrthogonalProjection Represents a orthogonal projection of a 3D space onto a 2D plane.
ClassPerspectiveProjection Represents a perspective projection of a 3D space onto a 2D plane.
ClassPiePlotArea Represents a pie plot area in a chart model.
ClassPieSeries Represents a pie series in a pie plot area.
ClassPlotArea Represents the base class for plot areas.
ClassPlotAreaCollection Represents a collection of plot areas.
ClassPlotAreaHitTest Represents information about the hit test for the plot area.
ClassPointSeries Represents a point series in a Y plot area.
ClassPointSeriesCollection Represents a collection of series.
ClassPolarAngleAxis Represents a numeric axis.
ClassPolarAreaSeries Represents an area series in a polar plot area.
ClassPolarLineSeries Represents a line series in a polar plot area.
ClassPolarPlotArea Represents a polar plot area in a chart model.
ClassPolarPointSeries Represents a point series in a polar plot area.
ClassPolarRadiusAxis Represents a numeric axis.
ClassPolarRadiusAxisCollection Represents a collection of axes.
ClassPolarSeries Base class for series in a polar plot area.
ClassPositionalLight Represents a positinoal light source.
ClassProjection Represents a projection of a 3D space onto a 2D plane.
ClassRadarAreaSeries Represents an area series in a radar plot area.
ClassRadarIndexAxis Represents an indexed axis.
ClassRadarLineSeries Represents a line series in a radar plot area.
ClassRadarPlotArea Represents a radar plot area in a chart model.
ClassRadarPointSeries Represents a point series in a radar plot area.
ClassRadarSeries Base class for series in a radar plot area.
ClassRadarValueAxis Represents a numeric axis.
ClassRadarValueAxisCollection Represents a collection of axes.
ClassSeries Base class for series.
ClassSeriesCollection Represents a collection of series.
ClassSeriesHitTest Represents information about the hit test for the series.
ClassSeriesInfo This class represent infomation to identify a series used in selection.
ClassSolidFill Represents a fill that uses a single color.
ClassSolidLine Represents a line that uses a single color.
ClassStackedAreaSeries Represents a stacked group of area series in a Y plot area.
ClassStackedBarSeries Represents a stacked group of bar series in a Y plot area.
ClassStackedLineSeries Represents a stacked group of line series in a Y plot area.
ClassStackedPointSeries Represents a stacked group of point series in a Y plot area.
ClassStringCollection Represents a collectin of string values.
ClassStripe Represents an axis stripe.
ClassStripeCollection Represents a collection of stripes.
ClassValueAxis Represents a numeric axis.
ClassValueAxisCollection Represents a collection of axes.
ClassWall Represents a chart wall. A wall can be assigned a border, a fill, and a width.
ClassXYBubbleSeries Represents a bubble series in a Y plot area.
ClassXYLineSeries Represents a line series in a XY plot area.
ClassXYPlotArea Represents a XY plot area in a chart model.
ClassXYPointSeries Represents a point series in a XY plot area.
ClassXYSeries Base class for series in a XY plot area.
ClassXYZLineSeries Represents a line series in a XYZ plot area area.
ClassXYZPlotArea Represents a XYZ plot area in a chart model.
ClassXYZPointSeries Represents a point series in a XYZ plot area.
ClassXYZSeries Base class for series in a XYZ plot area.
ClassXYZSurfaceSeries Represents a surface series in a XYZ plot area.
ClassYPlotArea Represents a Y plot area in a chart model.
ClassYSeries Base class for a series in a Y plot area.
InterfaceIChartMapArea Represents an interface which defines members of a chart map area.
InterfaceICompositeSeries Marker interface indicating that the series contains a collection of subseries.
InterfaceIGroupMapAreaSupport Represents an interface which defines members of a chart map area group.
InterfaceIParallelSupport Represents the ability to enable parallel support.
InterfaceISparklineSupportHandler This interface include requirements methods to support display Sparkline
StructurePaddingF Represents padding or margin information.
DelegateBeforeRenderMapAreasHandler Represents the method that handles the BeforeRenderMapAreas event.
DelegateMapAreaClickEventHandler Represents the method that handles the MapAreaClick event.
EnumerationAreaShape Specifies shape of a map area.
EnumerationAxisLocation Specifies the location of the axis relative to the plot area.
EnumerationBarShape Specifies the shape of a bar in a bar series chart.
EnumerationChartViewType Specified chart view type.
EnumerationDragDirection Drag direction
EnumerationGradientStyle Specifies the direction of a linear gradient.
EnumerationImageTransferStorage Specified storage mode of saving chart image in memory.
EnumerationImageType Specifies the format of the output image.
EnumerationMapAreaInfo.MapAreaType Specifies the type of MapArea.
EnumerationMarkerShape Specifies the shape of a data point in a point series chart.
See Also


FarPoint.Web.Chart Assembly



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