| Name | Description |
| CollapseImage | Specifies the index, 2, for the image for the collapse icon in a hiearchical display. This field is constant and read-only. |
| CollapseImageDisabled | Specifies the index, 3, for the image for the disabled collapse icon in a hiearchical display. This field is constant and read-only. |
| EditingRowSelector | Specifies the index, 19, for the image for the row editing indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| EnhancedFilterActive | Specifies the index, 28, for the image for the enhanced active filter indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| EnhancedFilterActiveDisabled | Specifies the index, 29, for the image for the enhanced disabled active filter indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| EnhancedFilterInactive | Specifies the index, 30, for the image for the enhanced inactive filter indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| EnhancedFilterInactiveDisabled | Specifies the index, 31, for the image for the enhanced disabled inactive filter indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| EnhancedFilterSortAscending | Specifies the index, 20, for the image for the enhanced ascending filter sort indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| EnhancedFilterSortAscendingDisabled | Specifies the index, 21, for the image for the enhanced disabled ascending filter sort indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| EnhancedFilterSortDescending | Specifies the index, 24, for the image for the enhanced descending filter sort indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| EnhancedFilterSortDescendingDisabled | Specifies the index, 25, for the image for the enhanced disabled descending filter sort indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| EnhancedSortAscending | Specifies the index, 22, for the image for the enhanced ascending sort indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| EnhancedSortAscendingDisabled | Specifies the index, 23, for the image for the enhanced disabled ascending sort indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| EnhancedSortDescending | Specifies the index, 26, for the image for the enhanced descending sort indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| EnhancedSortDescendingDisabled | Specifies the index, 27, for the image for the enhanced disabled descending sort indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| ExpandImage | Specifies the index, 0, for the image for the expand icon in a hiearchical display. This field is constant and read-only. |
| ExpandImageDisabled | Specifies the index, 1, for the image for the disabled expand icon in a hiearchical display. This field is constant and read-only. |
| FilterActive | Specifies the index, 10, for the image for the active filter indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| FilterActiveDisabled | Specifies the index, 11, for the image for the disabled active filter indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| FilterBarFilterActive | Specifies the index, 16, for the image for the active filterbar indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| FilterBarFilterDateTime | Specifies the index, 18, for the image for the filterbar calendar indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| FilterBarFilterInactive | Specifies the index, 17, for the image for the inactive filterbar indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| FilterInactive | Specifies the index, 8, for the image for the inactive filter indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| FilterInactiveDisabled | Specifies the index, 9, for the image for the disabled inactive filter indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| RowSelectorImage | Specifies the index, 14, for the image for the row selector. This field is constant and read-only. |
| RowSelectorImageDisabled | Specifies the index, 15, for the image for the disabled row selector. This field is constant and read-only. |
| SortAscendingImage | Specifies the index, 4, for the image for the ascending sort indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| SortAscendingImageDisabled | Specifies the index, 5, for the image for the disabled ascending sort indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| SortDescendingImage | Specifies the index, 6, for the image for the descending sort indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| SortDescendingImageDisabled | Specifies the index, 7, for the image for the disabled descending sort indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| SortUnsortedImage | Specifies the index, 12, for the image for the unsorted sort indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |
| SortUnsortedImageDisabled | Specifies the index, 13, for the image for the disabled unsorted sort indicator. This field is constant and read-only. |