The tag is only for the application's use; the spreadsheet does not use this information in working with the data. The information in the tag is stored separately from the information provided in the text or the value or the note.
You can assign user-defined information to any cell, column, row, sheet, or the entire component. The information in the tag is not composited from these different levels.
This property is available at run time only. (The Properties window uses a TypeConverter object to convert property values to and from strings for editing in the grid. The framework provides some converters for types defined in the framework, and there are converters for all of the intrinsic data types, except for Object. Since Object does not have a type converter, the Properties window is unable to edit values for properties of type Object, and these properties are displayed as read-only and are grayed out.)
FarPoint.Win.Spread.Column col;
col = fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Columns[0];
col.Tag = "Column1Tag";
Dim col As FarPoint.Win.Spread.Column col = fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Columns(0) col.Tag = "Column1Tag"