Spread Windows Forms 11.0 Product Documentation
Item(Int32,Int32) Property

FarPoint.Win.Spread Assembly > FarPoint.Win.Spread Namespace > Cells Class > Item Property : Item(Int32,Int32) Property
Row index of cell
Column index of cell
Gets a new cell for the specified row and column.
Public Overloads ReadOnly Property Item( _
   ByVal row As Integer, _
   ByVal column As Integer _
) As Cell
Dim instance As Cells
Dim row As Integer
Dim column As Integer
Dim value As Cell
value = instance.Item(row, column)
public Cell Item( 
   int row,
   int column
) {get;}


Row index of cell
Column index of cell

Property Value

Cell object for the specified row and column
Specified row index is not valid; must be between zero and the total number of rows
Specified column index is not valid; must be between zero and the total number of columns
Specified column header row index is not valid; must be between zero and the total number of column header rows
Specified row header column index is not valid; must be between zero and the total number of row header columns
Specified sheet corner row index is not valid; must be between zero and the total number of sheet corner rows
Specified sheet corner column index is not valid; must be between zero and the total number of sheet corner columns
This example changes the background color of a cell.
The Item property is not available in C#. Use the cell index.
fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells.Item(0, 0).BackColor = Color.Yellow
See Also


Cells Class
Cells Members
Overload List