Spread Windows Forms 11.0 Product Documentation
Appearance Constructor(Color,Color,Font,CellHorizontalAlignment,CellVerticalAlignment,Boolean,Boolean,Color,Color,Color,Color,VisualStyles,SortState,FilterState)

FarPoint.Win.Spread Assembly > FarPoint.Win.Spread Namespace > Appearance Class > Appearance Constructor : Appearance Constructor(Color,Color,Font,CellHorizontalAlignment,CellVerticalAlignment,Boolean,Boolean,Color,Color,Color,Color,VisualStyles,SortState,FilterState)
Background color of an object
Foreground (text) color of an object
Font information of an object
Horizontal alignment of an object or of text in a cell
Vertical alignment of an object or text in a cell
Whether to draw the primary button for an object
Whether to draw the secondary button for an object
Background color of an object when the object is selected
Foreground (text) color of an object when the object is selected
Background color of an object when the cell is locked
Foreground (text) color of an object when the cell is locked
Whether to render with visual styles (as in XP themes)
Sorting state
Filtering state
Creates a set of appearance settings with the specified colors, buttons, alignment, visual style, and sorting and filtering states.
Public Function New( _
   ByVal backColor As Color, _
   ByVal foreColor As Color, _
   ByVal font As Font, _
   ByVal horizontalAlignment As CellHorizontalAlignment, _
   ByVal verticalAlignment As CellVerticalAlignment, _
   ByVal drawPrimaryButton As Boolean, _
   ByVal drawSecondaryButton As Boolean, _
   ByVal selectionBackColor As Color, _
   ByVal selectionForeColor As Color, _
   ByVal lockBackColor As Color, _
   ByVal lockForeColor As Color, _
   ByVal visualStyle As VisualStyles, _
   ByVal sortState As SortState, _
   ByVal filterState As FilterState _
Dim backColor As Color
Dim foreColor As Color
Dim font As Font
Dim horizontalAlignment As CellHorizontalAlignment
Dim verticalAlignment As CellVerticalAlignment
Dim drawPrimaryButton As Boolean
Dim drawSecondaryButton As Boolean
Dim selectionBackColor As Color
Dim selectionForeColor As Color
Dim lockBackColor As Color
Dim lockForeColor As Color
Dim visualStyle As VisualStyles
Dim sortState As SortState
Dim filterState As FilterState
Dim instance As New Appearance(backColor, foreColor, font, horizontalAlignment, verticalAlignment, drawPrimaryButton, drawSecondaryButton, selectionBackColor, selectionForeColor, lockBackColor, lockForeColor, visualStyle, sortState, filterState)


Background color of an object
Foreground (text) color of an object
Font information of an object
Horizontal alignment of an object or of text in a cell
Vertical alignment of an object or text in a cell
Whether to draw the primary button for an object
Whether to draw the secondary button for an object
Background color of an object when the object is selected
Foreground (text) color of an object when the object is selected
Background color of an object when the cell is locked
Foreground (text) color of an object when the cell is locked
Whether to render with visual styles (as in XP themes)
Sorting state
Filtering state
This example uses an Appearance object to set up the behavior for a StyleInfo object.
FarPoint.Win.Spread.Appearance appr = new FarPoint.Win.Spread.Appearance(Color.Lavender, Color.LavenderBlush, new Font("Ms Sans Serif", 10), CellHorizontalAlignment.Center, CellVerticalAlignment.Center, true, true, Color.Yellow, Color.Aqua, Color.Bisque, Color.Azure, Win.VisualStyles.On, SortState.None, FilterState.None);
FarPoint.Win.Spread.StyleInfo si = new FarPoint.Win.Spread.StyleInfo();
fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.SetStyleInfo(-1, -1, si);
Dim appr As New FarPoint.Win.Spread.Appearance(Color.Lavender, Color.LavenderBlush, New Font("Ms Sans Serif", 10), CellHorizontalAlignment.Center, CellVerticalAlignment.Center, True, True, Color.Yellow, Color.Aqua, Color.Bisque, Color.Azure, Win.VisualStyles.On, SortState.None, FilterState.None)
Dim si As New FarPoint.Win.Spread.StyleInfo
fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.SetStyleInfo(-1, -1, si)
See Also


Appearance Class
Appearance Members
Overload List