
Following are the breaking changes for DefaultSheetDataModel.

DefaultSheetStyleModel.GetDirectInfo(int, int, FarPoint.Win.Spread.StyleInfo) When this method is called with null parameter, it will not return reference to old object style anymore.
DefaultSheetStyleModel.SetDirectInfo(int, int, FarPoint.Win.Spread.StyleInfo) This method allows users to set a StyleInfo object to Style Model. But in Spread Windows Forms 11, this method will not keep reference to that StyleInfo object anymore.
DefaultSheetStyleModel.SetDirectAltRowInfo(int, FarPoint.Win.Spread.StyleInfo) This method allows users to set a StyleInfo object to Style Model. But in Spread WinForms 11, this method will not keep reference to that StyleInfo object anymore.
Parent of DefaultSheetStyleModel Spread WinForms 11 will not support modifications in the Parent of StyleModel.
Reference Spread WinForms 11 will not keep reference after a user assigns DefaultSheetStyleModel to the model of SheetView. This means that when the DefaultSheetStyleModel is assigned to the new model of SheetView, users can just perform the copy operation. The reference to the assigned model won't be kept anymore.
Named Styles Spread WinForms 11 will not allow the following in the NamedStyleCollection:

1) Two NamedStyles with same name are not allowed in NamedStyleCollection.

2) After importing an Excel file, users don't need to build a collection NamedStyles for FpSpread like previously. This will now be handled by the DefaultSheetStyleModel.

Setting BackgroundImage for SheetView

In Spread WinForms 11, while setting the BackgroundImage property for SheetView, users don't need to change the BackColor property of SheetView.DefaultStyle to transparent in order to see the backgroundImage of the sheet.

Assigning unsynchronized row-column count style model to the SheetView In Spread WinForms 11, assigning unsynchronized row-column count Style model (of the DefaultSheetStyleModel) to the SheetView model is not allowed.


Change some of the direct style properties while importing

In Spread WinForms 11, if the cell has style but the cell.Lock property is not set, it assumes the lock value of direct styleinfo to be boolean false.

Also, direct styleinfo is also changed while importing from Excel. The vertical alignment of the table cell is changed to General when the import operation is performed.             


Change type of border of cell after importing

In Spread WinForms 11, the border setting on Excel can be converted to LineBorder or DoubleLineBorder if the following conditions are met:

1) At least one of the four sides of the cell (left, Top, Right, Bottom) possesses the border setting.

2) LineStyle of sides that have setting must be same and must be either Thin, Medium or Double.

3) Don't have Diagonal line.           


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