SpreadJS Documentation
Using Events when the Top Row or Column Changes

You can use events when the top row or column changes when scrolling.

Using Code

This example uses the TopRowChanged and LeftColumnChanged events.

Copy Code
var spread = new GcSpread.Sheets.Spread($("#ss").get(0),{sheetCount:3});
var sheet1 = spread.getSheet(0),
    sheet2 = spread.getSheet(1);

sheet1.bind(GcSpread.Sheets.Events.TopRowChanged, function (sender, args) {
    //Set the displayed top row of sheet1 to sheet2 (vertical scroll synchronization).
    sheet2.showRow(args.newTopRow, GcSpread.Sheets.VerticalPosition.top);

sheet1.bind(GcSpread.Sheets.Events.LeftColumnChanged, function (sender, args) {
    //Set the displayed left column of sheet1 to sheet2 (Horizontal scroll synchronization).
    sheet2.showColumn(args.newLeftCol, GcSpread.Sheets.HorizontalPosition.left);



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