SpreadJS Documentation
Workbook Settings Imported

This table summarizes how the workbook settings are handled when SpreadJS imports data from an Excel-formatted file.

Excel Setting SpreadJS Setting Remarks
Password-protected files Excel IO options SpreadJS can open password-protected files (specify the password setting in the Excel IO import API service).
NamedStyles Spread.addNamedStyle Named Styles in Excel files are imported into SpreadJS.
ActiveSheetIndex Spread.setActiveSheetIndex SpreadJS imports the setting from Excel.
ReferenceStyle Spread.referenceStyle SpreadJS imports the setting from Excel options.
StartSheetIndex Spread.startSheetIndex SpreadJS imports the setting from Excel.
SheetCount Spread.sheets.length SpreadJS imports the setting from Excel.
Scroll bar Spread.showHorizontalScrollbar or Spread.showVerticalScrollbar SpreadJS imports the setting from Excel options.
Show sheet tabs Spread.tabStripVisible SpreadJS imports the setting from Excel options.



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