SpreadJS Documentation
Spread Settings Exported

This table summarizes how component-level items are handled when SpreadJS exports to an Excel-formatted file. These functions are in the GcSpread.Sheets.Spread class unless otherwise noted.

Spread Setting Excel Setting and Remarks
name Excel ignores the Spread setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
sheetCount Excel uses this setting.
activeSheetIndex Excel uses this setting.
tabStripRatio Excel ignores the Spread setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
tabStripVisible Not supported at this time.
tabEditable Excel ignores the Spread setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
newTabVisible Excel ignores the Spread setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
referenceStyle Excel uses this setting.
canUserEditFormula Excel ignores the Spread setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
startSheetIndex Excel uses this setting.
allowUndo Excel ignores the Spread setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
allowUserZoom Excel ignores the Spread setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
allowUserResize Excel ignores the Spread setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
canUserDragDrop Excel ignores the Spread setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
canUserDragFill Excel ignores the Spread setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
highlightInvalidData Excel ignores the Spread setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
autoFitType Excel ignores the Spread setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
showScrollTip Excel ignores the Spread setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
showResizeTip Excel ignores the Spread setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
showDragDropTip Excel ignores the Spread setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
showDragFillTip Excel ignores the Spread setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
showHorizontalScrollbar Excel uses this setting.
showVerticalScrollbar Excel uses this setting.
backColor Excel ignores the Spread setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
backgroundImage Excel ignores the Spread setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
backgroundImageLayout Excel ignores the Spread setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
grayAreaBackColor Excel ignores the Spread setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
namedStyles Excel uses this setting.
names Excel uses this setting.



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