SpreadJS Documentation
Cell Settings Exported

This table summarizes how the Cell settings are handled when SpreadJS exports to an Excel-formatted file. These functions are in the GcSpread.Sheets.Cell class unless otherwise noted.

Cell Setting Excel Setting and Remarks
value or text Excel uses this setting.
formula Excel uses this setting.
bindingPath Excel ignores this setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
dataValidator Excel uses this setting.
cellType Excel ignores this setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
backgroundImage Excel ignores this setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
backgroundImageLayout Excel ignores this setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.
backColor Excel uses this setting.
foreColor Excel uses this setting.
hAlign (text horizontal alignment) Excel uses this setting.
vAlign (text vertical alignment) Excel uses this setting.
themeFont Excel uses this setting.
font Excel uses this setting.
formatter Excel uses this setting.
borderLeftborderTopborderRight, or borderBottom Excel uses this setting.
locked Excel uses this setting.
textIndent Excel uses this setting.
wordWrap Excel uses this setting.
shrinkToFit Excel uses this setting.
tabStop Excel ignores this setting. This is specific to SpreadJS.



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