SpreadJS Documentation
manualMax Field
Indicates the maximum for the vertical axis that is shared across all sparklines in this sparkline group. The axis is zero if maxAxisType does not equal custom.
var instance = new GcSpread.Sheets.SparklineSetting(setting);
var value; // Type: number
value = instance.manualMax;
var manualMax : number;
This example sets the manualMax property.
activeSheet.setValue(0, 0, "Data Range is A2-A9");
activeSheet.setValue(1, 0, 1);
activeSheet.setValue(2, 0, -2);
activeSheet.setValue(3, 0, -1);
activeSheet.setValue(4, 0, 6);
activeSheet.setValue(5, 0, 4);
activeSheet.setValue(6, 0, -4);
activeSheet.setValue(7, 0, 3);
activeSheet.setValue(8, 0, 8);

var data = new GcSpread.Sheets.Range(1, 0, 8, 1);
var setting = new GcSpread.Sheets.SparklineSetting();
setting.minAxisType = GcSpread.Sheets.SparklineAxisMinMax.custom;
setting.manualMin = -2;
setting.maxAxisType = GcSpread.Sheets.SparklineAxisMinMax.custom;
setting.manualMax = 10;
var s1=  activeSheet.setSparkline(11, 0, data, GcSpread.Sheets.DataOrientation.Vertical, GcSpread.Sheets.SparklineType.line, setting);
var s2 =activeSheet.setSparkline(11, 3, data, GcSpread.Sheets.DataOrientation.Vertical, GcSpread.Sheets.SparklineType.column, setting);
var s3=  activeSheet.setSparkline(11, 6, data, GcSpread.Sheets.DataOrientation.Vertical, GcSpread.Sheets.SparklineType.winloss, setting);
var group = activeSheet.groupSparkline([s1,s2,s3]);
See Also


SparklineSetting class



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