SpreadJS Documentation
PaperSize Constructor
The width of the paper, in hundredths of an inch; or the kind of the paper and the type is GcSpread.Sheets.PaperKind.
The height of the paper, in hundredths of an inch.
Specifies the paper size. The constructor has 3 modes. If there are 2 parameters, the parameters are width and height with a type of number; If there is 1 parameter, the parameter is kind which is a GcSpread.Sheets.PaperKind type; If there is no parameter, the result is the same as the second mode and the kind option is GcSpread.Sheets.PaperKind.Letter.
var instance = new GcSpread.Sheets.PaperSize(widthOrKind, height);
function PaperSize( 
   widthOrKind : Object,
   height : number
) : PaperSize;


The width of the paper, in hundredths of an inch; or the kind of the paper and the type is GcSpread.Sheets.PaperKind.
The height of the paper, in hundredths of an inch.
This example sets the paper size.
activeSheet.setRowCount(3, GcSpread.Sheets.SheetArea.viewport);
activeSheet.setColumnCount(3, GcSpread.Sheets.SheetArea.viewport);

            //set value
            for (var r = 0, rc = activeSheet.getRowCount(); r < rc; r++) {
                for (var c = 0, cc = activeSheet.getColumnCount(); c < cc; c++) {
                    activeSheet.setValue(r, c, r + c);

$("#button1").click(function () {
var printInfo = activeSheet.printInfo();
printInfo.headerLeft("Header Left");
printInfo.paperSize(new GcSpread.Sheets.PaperSize(GcSpread.Sheets.PaperKind.A4));
See Also


PaperSize type



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