var nCondition = new GcSpread.Sheets.CellValueCondition();
nCondition.compareType = GcSpread.Sheets.GeneralCompareType.EqualsTo;
nCondition.expected = 0;
//When the option is false, the validation fails and the red alert is displayed.
//When the option is true, the blank cell is treated as zero and the validation is successful.
nCondition.treatNullValueAsZero = false;
var validator = new GcSpread.Sheets.DefaultDataValidator(nCondition)
activeSheet.getCell(0, 0, GcSpread.Sheets.SheetArea.viewport).dataValidator(validator);
activeSheet.setValue(0, 0, null);
//Type different values in cell (0,0). This event fires if the user types an invalid value.
activeSheet.bind("ValidationError", vError);
function vError(sender, args) {