Spread 8.0 Documentation
SS_VALUE Structure
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SS_VALUE Structure

Applies To

fpSpread control


typedef struct ss_value
    BYTE Status;
    BYTE Type;
        HGLOBAL hValStr;
        long ValLong;
        double ValDouble;
        SS_CELLREF ValCell;
        SS_RANGEREF ValRange;
        } Val;


The following fields are available:

Field Description
Status Status of the data contained within this structure
Choose one of the following values:
Constant Description
SS_VALUE_STATUS_OK The data contained in this structure is valid.
SS_VALUE_STATUS_ERROR An error occurred in retrieving the data for this item.
SS_VALUE_STATUS_EMPTY The data retrieved is empty.
Type Determines the type of data stored within this structure
Choose one of the following values:
Constant Description
SS_VALUE_TYPE_LONG The data stored in the Val union is stored as a long. To retrieve this data use Value.Val.ValLong.
SS_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE The data stored in the Val union is stored as a double. To retrieve this data use Value.Val.ValDouble.
SS_VALUE_TYPE_STR The data stored in the Val union is stored as a global handle to a string. To retrieve this data use Value.Val.hValStr.
SS_VALUE_TYPE_CELL The data stored in the Val union is stored as a cell. To retrieve this data use Value.Val.ValCell.
SS_VALUE_TYPE_RANGE The data stored in the Val union is stored as a block of cells. To retrieve this data use Value.Val.ValRange.
Val.hValStr If Type equals SS_VALUE_TYPE_STR, then the value is stored as a global handle to a string.
Val.ValLong If Type equals SS_VALUE_TYPE_LONG, then the value is stored as a long.
Val.ValDouble If Type equals SS_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE, then the value is stored as a double.
Val.ValCell If Type equals SS_VALUE_TYPE_CELL, then the value is stored as a cell.
Val.ValRange If Type equals SS_VALUE_TYPE_RANGE, then the value is stored as a block of cells.

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