Spread 8.0 Documentation
Spread Designer Menus
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Spread Designer Menus

The Spread Designer provides menus for accessing and saving files, working with properties of the sheet, and for setting properties for the control. Several of the things you can do from the properties window can also be done from several of the Editors that can be called from the menus.

Menu Name

Menu Description

File Perform standard file operations such as opening and saving files, importing and exporting files, and printing.
Edit Perform standard Clipboard operations such as copying and pasting, as well as inserting and deleting columns and rows.
View Control what is displayed including toolbars and the status bar.
Book Manage workbook-level settings. Several of the choices in this menu launch a dialog box related to workbook-level properties such as the appearance of the scroll bars and text tips. This also includes the printing properties and the settings for virtual mode.
Sheet Manage sheet-level settings. This includes the appearance of sheets, from colors to grid lines, as well as the settings for columns, rows, and headers. For bound data, the data binding settings are available from this menu.
Cell Manage cell-level settings. This includes cell types, cell colors, and various additional settings such as notes and tags.
Calculation Manage settings related to formulas and functions. Select the cell reference style and whether to allow iterations. Use this menu to set a custom name.
Window Control the appearance of Spread Designer windows.
Mode Toggle the cell type mode (to help with using cell types), design mode (to switch between design and run-time), and learn mode (for recording settings and actions).
Settings Set Spread Designer-specific settings. This includes naming a log file, setting which view is applied to the spreadsheet, and the learn mode settings.
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