Spread 8.0 Documentation
Sheet Interaction Settings
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User's Guide > Introduction to Spread > The Spread Designer > Understanding the Spread Designer Interface > Spread Designer Dialogs and Settings > Sheet Interaction Settings

Glossary Item Box

Sheet Interaction Settings

There are also settings that apply to the user interaction with the sheet. These are in the Sheet Settings dialog that is available from the Sheet menu, under the Settings option.

For more information on these settings refer to the corresponding topic in the table below.

Field Topic


Setting Sheet Names

Active Cell Highlight

Hiding Selections When Not in Focus (Also see the ActiveCellHighlightStyle Property in the ActiveX Reference or the SSGetActiveCellHighlightStyle, SSSetActiveCellHighlightStyle Functions in the DLL Reference.)

Allow Column Move,
Allow Row Move

Allowing Users to Move Columns or Rows


Setting for whether the sheet is visible

For information on other sheet-level settings, refer to Sheet Display Settings and Sheet Colors Settings.

Return to Spread Designer Dialogs and Settings.

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