Spread 8.0 Documentation
Loading, Saving, or Exporting Data
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User's Guide > Introduction to Spread > The fpSpread Control > Features > Loading, Saving, or Exporting Data

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Loading, Saving, or Exporting Data

You can add formatted or unformatted data to a sheet in one of the following ways:

For more information about the other methods for adding data, see Adding Data.For more information about data binding, see Binding to Databases.

You can save data using one of the following file formats:

You can export data using one of the following file formats:

Note: The Spread version 7 ActiveX controls are safe for scripting. If you are using the Spread ActiveX control in a container that supports IObjectSafety, the user cannot export or save files.

For more information on saving and exporting data, see Saving Data.

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