Spread 8.0 Documentation
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To retrieve the number of the next column or row that is marked as a page break

  1. Call the SSSetSheet function to specify the sheet for which to return page breaks.
  2. If you want to return the number of the next column or row where a page break occurs, call the SSGetNextPageBreakCol or SSGetNextPageBreakRow function.
  3. If you want to return all columns or rows where a page break occurs, using a loop,
    1. Call the SSGetNextPageBreakCol or SSGetNextPageBreakRow function and set the lPrevCol or lPrevRow parameter to the first column or row to be queried.
    2. Each time through the loop, set the lPrevCol or lPrevRow parameter to the return value from step 2a.
      The value returned is the first column or row of the next page. When –1 is returned, the loop is finished.
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