Spread 8.0 Documentation
Documentation Conventions
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Documentation Conventions

Spread documentation uses the following conventions:

Example Description
Illustrations Illustrations of the fpSpread control and other screen objects were created in the Windows 2000 operating environment and the Visual Basic 6 development environment unless otherwise noted.
Spread Designer Text indicates the condition for the subsequent instructions or explanation. For example, the words "Spread Designer" in the left margin indicates that the subsequent information pertains to using the Spread Designer. Some possible conditions include version of the controls, development environment, and run-time versus design-time interaction.
A:\SETUP Words you need to type appear in this font, as do code examples.
value, color Italicized items in programming syntax are placeholders for information you supply.
short, BOOL In programming syntax, bold, italicized arguments indicate data types, pointers, and user-defined types.
[ = value& ] In programming syntax, items inside square brackets are optional.

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