Spread 8.0 Documentation
General Property Page
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User's Guide > Introduction to Spread > The fpSpreadPreview Control > Property Pages > General Property Page

Glossary Item Box

General Property Page

The General property page lets you adjust the scroll bar settings, the scroll bar increments, and the border style, customize the pointer, and allow the user to zoom using the mouse.

The following items are available on the General property page:

Item on Property Page Description Corresponding Property
Allow Zoom with Mouse check box Determines whether the user can use the mouse to zoom in or out while viewing pages AllowUserZoom
Enabled check box Determines whether the control will respond to events Enabled
Border Style drop-down list box Specifies the style of the border of the control BorderStyle
Mouse Pointer drop-down list box Determines the pointer displayed while over the control MousePointer
Scroll Bars—
Horizontal drop-down list box
Determines whether and how the horizontal scroll bars are displayed ScrollBarH
Scroll Bars—
Increment box
Specifies the horizontal distance the control scrolls when the user scrolls through the displayed pages ScrollIncH
Scroll Bars—
Vertical drop-down list box
Determines whether and how the vertical scroll bars are displayed ScrollBarV
Scroll Bars—
Increment box
Specifies the vertical distance the control scrolls when the user scrolls through the displayed pages ScrollIncV

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